Settings on TS 24kit


New member
How would you recomend I set up my 7095. I have the pumps in each rear corner pointing toward the far side of the front glass in my 150. I have it currently on the pulse mode which i know is probably wrong. The sand storm has disappeared and settled down now I want to run them the correct way, Thanks for any info.
It is realy personal preferrence, what pumps do you have and what corals are you keeping? Also, is this a 6ft 150 or the 5ft tub version.
I would probably use the Interval mode which pulses one while idling the other, I am not sure which one it is but you will just set the mode and set the pulse frequency, 3 sec is generally best with the Streams as it gives them enough time to speed up and do something. I would set the pulses speeds at 100% and 50%, keep in mind the bottom knobs are what the pumps stay at for night mode so don't set these too slow or the night pH drop could be aggrevated.
I forgot to add set the interval at 6 hours because this is what the natural tide intervals would be.