Shallow reef tank Club

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12689907#post12689907 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gea0119

lol.... try John at, he is local and does GREAT work for half the price of most builders. Tell him that E.J. Coral sent you if you call him.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12690598#post12690598 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Friskaburger
Hey xtm... is that the lagoon at Aquarium of the Pacific? :) If not, it sure looks like it!

Yes it is!
HEY XTM, Im in the SFV also.Are you an MASLAC member.I'm going to the meeting there next Sat.6/14, I'd like to discuss your shallow setup.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12692309#post12692309 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xtm
Yes it is!

Is it just me or was the fact that they had big Naso tangs in the lagoon you could put your hand in slightly dangerous for a place full of kids? I mean c'mon... surgeonfish didn't get their name cuz of their soft and fuzzy razor spiked tails.
Gea, if i could have done one thing differently with my tank it would have been an external overflow. keep it in mind when you talk to XTM and the builder.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12692687#post12692687 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Friskaburger
Is it just me or was the fact that they had big Naso tangs in the lagoon you could put your hand in slightly dangerous for a place full of kids? I mean c'mon... surgeonfish didn't get their name cuz of their soft and fuzzy razor spiked tails.

Well the Nasos tend to swim away from peoples' hands while the rays don't mind being touched. But then again, the kids put their hands in the water and then eat candies.... can you say "Mycobacterium Marinum"? :eek2:
I thought I had lost my mind, I was checking out reef forums yesterday and came across this one and then I couldn't remember where it was.
GSM guy, I have no clue what an external overflow is but im ASSuming you dont want me to..awe just explain it to me...BUMP
Gea the overflow box for my aquarium is on the inside of the tank,i recommend an external overflow attached to the back of the tank and thus not taking up any real estate inside the tank, the builder will know what im talking about.

since your new to it all go to the builders shop and have a look around it will shorten the learning curve for you.
XTM has external overflow, Ej coral has internal like mine.
here is mine. internal overflow drilled in the back
That's the one awesome thing about acrylic tanks is you can do those external overflows. I love those they're so genius.

xtm - yeah we noticed the nasos going away from the kids too, but I can just imagine just the right situation where the tangs get comfortable enough to investigate maybe food or something the kid puts in and then the kid tries to grab it... blood everywhere!

Maybe me and my friend are just morbid. :/
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12692522#post12692522 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gea0119
HEY XTM, Im in the SFV also.Are you an MASLAC member.I'm going to the meeting there next Sat.6/14, I'd like to discuss your shallow setup.

hey Gea,

Isn't MASLAC being ran by the guy who owns that LFS in Reseda? (sorry I forgot his name) very nice guy. I'm not sure yet if I can make it on that date but feel free to ask anything about my shallow tank. If you haven't bought your tank yet, I also suggest you go with an external overflow. This is not always an option with most reef-ready tanks so you will most likely end up with a DIY box. Since you're local, I can help you build one.

I think one drawback of the external overflow box is that you MUST have enough space in the back of your tank.. this is usually about 5" deep. For most people, that is a lot to give up.
SaltWater LANCE is his name.Great Guy.If you help me build one I would be the coolest girl in the world.What supplies do I need to get.I'm on it.Im suppose to be turning my 26g into a QT and i just picked up a 45g this morning.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12692833#post12692833 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gea0119
GSM guy, I have no clue what an external overflow is but im ASSuming you dont want me to..awe just explain it to me...BUMP

External Overflow
Here's some of the sweetest Shallow Reef Setups I've seen... all from Aquarium of the Pacific

Huge Monti Cap.. about 3 ft wide

Biggest Toadstool I've ever seen.. also about 3 ft across
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12693164#post12693164 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gea0119
SaltWater LANCE is his name.Great Guy.If you help me build one I would be the coolest girl in the world.What supplies do I need to get.I'm on it.Im suppose to be turning my 26g into a QT and i just picked up a 45g this morning.

GEA if you are getting a tank built from acrylic the builder can do the overflow for you, XTM dont you agree that its better to have it done by the builder, as thick acrylic takes specialized tools to cut smoothly.