Shallow reef tank Club

Thanks for the info Sabine. i need to get working on that right away. I have a sweet wrasse coming tomorrow that i don't want to loose.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12729165#post12729165 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 143gadgets
Thanks for the info Sabine. i need to get working on that right away. I have a sweet wrasse coming tomorrow that i don't want to loose.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12729336#post12729336 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 143gadgets
Look a few posts about. He showed me how he keeps fish from jumping.

i know, but what fish and will it need a sandbed? i use a sandbox hidden in my rockwork.
Naw its a Cirrhilabrus, so it should be fine without one. Not sure one an exact id, but here are a couple pics from the seller.


Finally I'm starting with my upgrade, today the tank arrived. And what is a better place then in this thread to show it first! ;)

Rimless 63" x 44" x 14"

Will start a thread about my new project soon!



(don't worry, the chair is only there for size comparison ;) )

Definately going to need a link to that build thread! I loved you "old" tank. Is that back pane of glass your overflow? your water level will be like 12"?
The pane of glass is a front to back overflow - this will be th left side of the tank. Waterlevel will be about 12"

It will be a propagation- top down view tank. Of course, to let the tank have the same "style" as the Formosa Forest, I will let a few colony's grow out. And when I mean grow out, I mean 15" colony's. From this colony's I will take frags and propagate them in a shallower part of the tank. Besided that I will use many species for propagation only.

Short list of equipment:

Bubble King Supermarine 250 Skimmer
Schuran Jetstream 2 Calciumreactor
Schuran Kalkwasser Reactor
Tunze Wavebox
4 x Tunze Stream 6001
2x Lumenarc with Aquaconnect 14.000K 400 Watt on a light mover

The "old" tank will be used as sump and Cryptic Refugium.

Thanks Chris. The shallowness of this tank can be a limiting factor, but it also forces me to aquascape very different, so it can also be a benefit.

I want to create a reef top style/"biotope" Large colony's, mostly tableing Acropora, Poccilipora, Stylopora etc.


A bit like this...

And a fish that has to be in this high surge, reef top enviroinment: Acanthurus Guttatus

Sorry for Hijacking this thread, I'm just too exited about this.

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Leonardo i can not wait to see what you have come up with for you new system the tank looks remarkably well built is that steel bracing? What is the purpose of the baffle in your tank?
wow coseal, that looks great. close to the dimensions i just ordered! Could I bother you for specs on that stand? I"m really interested, maybe more pictures of it too?? I'm getting ready to build a stand for mine, and that looks like one i'd like to emulate. Did you buy it or build it?