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+1 not the lights. I run my intensity at 70% and have no issues on my 28 gallon nano. Check water params. Also, I use reef link, not my apex.
thanks for the tips. ya all my lps are responding well. got duncans, torch, octospawn, and some gonis. i actually restarted my acclimation period to 5 weeks with starting intensity 55% to reach goal of 60% max intensity. will monitor bta's to see if colors come back.
Im interested what people think about my schedule.

I pushed the lighting back so that i could enjoy the tank under some white light and enjoy the transition to blues at night when Im home. I also tried my best to get a sunrise and sunset effect at night with a ramped up red lighting schedule for 30 minutes. Im hoping that doesnt create algae problems, but 1 hour total should not be a problem.

Thoughts ...




hey guys!

just wanted to share my tank running 3 G3 Pros with the current schedule:




Do you have the ETG-file of your graph that you show here? I had a very good graph that i used for years but now i lost it, and trying to get something similar. I have a 200 gallon full of lps and some sps. Have you used this graph for some time so you know you get healthy corals from it.

Best regards

Daniel I (Sweden)
This thread has sold me on getting radions. I was set on kessils, but the more research I do the more I understand why radions are the ticket. Thanks for all the info guys.
Hey guys quick question. I have (am getting) an apex, but what is easier to control the rations witht. The reeflink or the wxm module? Not getting vortexes so just want these for the rations only. And anyone have a profile for a 120gallon mostly sps gen 1s? Thanks
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Can I get some opinions on the profile for a mixed tank please? It's my first try with the radion setup and I'm not sure if I have all the points right for a moon phase? Thanks


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Just got my Radion XR15 Pro for my new Innovative Marine 25g Fusion Lagoon and I'm loving it! Tagging along this thread

25 Gallon
24L x 20W x 12H
Will be a mixed reef tank when fully stocked

I don't have a Reeflink yet, but for now it's on shallow reef setting



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Can anyone recommend a schedule for an xr15 pro on a 35 litre tank? i've had a look at aquaticlog but couldn't find any in my size that had light settings.

How does this look any suggestions it's over my 45 cube mostly LPS but some sps as well

how many gallons your tank?
You could upload your programming? I would like to try it,
That does not sound too bad....I'm currently using this schedule, the last time I used a program that I think has created problems with the propagation of algae, such as dino and other ... Yesterday, however, I have enabled this by lowering green and red 10%

Can you help me ? please? :birra:
I have a graph that took me close to 6 months to perfect..I have a mixed reef 60 gallon cube using an
xr30w pro gen 3. If your interested in using it shot me a pm with your email and I'll email the lighting scedule..don't know how to post my graph here