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I'm another person who has been endlessly tweaking their light trying to make my corals happy. I have had the light for six months I just can't decide if they are getting too much or too little light. My only SPS is a monticap up at the very top which went from a dark brick red color to a washed out pinkish red and it doesn't grow at all. My zoas have all faded in color & are not spreading. Frogspawn and hammer have gotten paler and now have skeleton showing. Ricordias mostly shriveled up and disappeared.

Crocea clam on the sandbed seems happy, which makes me think there is plenty of light, and yet the zoas look like they are stretching towards the light which makes me think there is not enough light!

Tank is 24" X 24" X 20" deep. Running one Radion. Parameters good, stable & unchanged from when everything did well under MH + T5s.

I am determined to make this light work for me - I know it can, I just think I haven't hit the right settings yet. I get so confused by the massive differences in how long people run these lights, at what intensity and what color spectrum.

Currently I have just given up and put it in Natural mode with a 12 foot depth offset and I have it at 55% intensity and am thinking I should slowly increase it to maybe 60-70% intensity?

I just got LEDs but I did switch from MH to t5s and I noticed my corals paling out. I started feeding more and my colors really turned around. I wonder if the extra intensity of light on the corals caused them to need more nutrietns. It worked for me with t5s.
when i try to upload this graph, it tells me the it cant open because it is running in natural or artificial mode. i really want to try this graph. any help would be great.
My new graph...
progressively increase to 20000K->18000K->14000K->12000K->10000K->12000K->14000K->18000K->20000K followed by the night light for full pleasure !
All temps from 20000K to 10000K, next from 10000K to 20000K run @ 100%.

See attachment for graphs (.etg) & picture

oops this is the graph that i need help uploading.
Quick.question guys... Isnt there a lot more red light in the morning.. wouldnt it be a good idea to start the morning on like a 5k setting and progressively get to 20k in the evening?
I run the natural mode and have great growth and color, On at 7:45am- Off at 7:30pm. Iv noticed ever one is running a custom graph, anyone else have success with the natural mode?
Here's my graph and instructions on how to import it! :)

1. Visit the following page to download Jon's Radion Graph:

2. Once the download has finished, save the .etg file to your desktop.

3. Open up the EcoSmart software, and adjust your Start Day/Start Night times in Artificial Mode to 10:00am/11:00pm.

4. Apply the .etg file to your graph by selecting the down arrow button that says "œImport to Selected Schedule".

5. The graph will then be applied to your existing project, where you can now program the group(s) and save the project for future reference.


I tried to import this graph but it can not be found once it is saved on my desktop. I see it but when I click on the import its not in the files
I just got LEDs but I did switch from MH to t5s and I noticed my corals paling out. I started feeding more and my colors really turned around. I wonder if the extra intensity of light on the corals caused them to need more nutrietns. It worked for me with t5s.

How high off the water to you have your Radion? I have 2 Radions over an Elos 70, Im running all 20 K , 12 Hour lighting schedule, ramping up from morning at 20% to 1PM at 80% for 3 hours, and then gradually lowering the intensity to all blues at night. Tank goes full dark for about 4 hours. I have mine about 10 inches off the water surface and am getting growth on SPS and LPS. Just have to be a little careful with some Chalices.
Artificial Mode. All presets. 13 hour period
12:00pm: 0% all LEDs
12:30pm Blue (100% brightness)
1:00 pm All Blues (100% brightness)
2:00 pm 18K (100% brightness)
3:00 pm 14K (100% brightness)
5:00 pm 12K (100% brightness)
8:00 pm 12K (100% brightness)
10:00 pm 14K (100% brightness)
11:00 pm 18K (100% brightness)
12:00 am All Blues (100% brightness)
12:30 am Blue (100% brightness)
1:00 am Royal Blue only (20% brightness)
1:30 am 0% all LEDs

Hi dave,

I am very interrested to try your graph with my radion G2, but i wanted to know if you changed your graph since you put the TIR lense?

many thanks
How high off the water to you have your Radion? I have 2 Radions over an Elos 70, Im running all 20 K , 12 Hour lighting schedule, ramping up from morning at 20% to 1PM at 80% for 3 hours, and then gradually lowering the intensity to all blues at night. Tank goes full dark for about 4 hours. I have mine about 10 inches off the water surface and am getting growth on SPS and LPS. Just have to be a little careful with some Chalices.

9 inches off the water. I'm completely happy with mine so far, sitting at 65 percent intensity and increasing it 5 percent a week.
Good morning all! Here's my crack at a decent light cycle for my 8 gallon cube. I know what you're thinking... A Radion over a 8g cube? OVERKILL! Well, yes it is, but the way I see it, I'll already have a kick *** light for when I upgrade! :)

Tank Size/Dimensions: 13 x 13 x14
Start Day/Start Night: 8:00am to 7:00pm
What are you keeping: zoas/poly's, softies, and mushrooms.
Other useful information: umm... these lights are awesome?!

So when I first got these lights, I didn't play with them enough, and when I programmed them, it was basically 12k throught the day, at varying intensities. NOW I know that that was a BAD choice (the overwhelming amount of hair algae could attest for that, I'm sure). Last night I spent quite some time researching and playing with the Radion, and came upon this thread which really helped me out (thanks guys!). It took me quite a while get the sunrise/sunset effect right, and I'm still not quite happy with it, but I'm sure after more playing around I can get it just right (or at least to the way I want it). Here's a screen shot of my graph, and I've attached the schedule for all you Radion-over-the-nano people (I'm sure there's AT LEAST one more person who is overkilling it!).



Here's my graph and instructions on how to import it! :)

1. Visit the following page to download Jon's Radion Graph:

2. Once the download has finished, save the .etg file to your desktop.

3. Open up the EcoSmart software, and adjust your Start Day/Start Night times in Artificial Mode to 10:00am/11:00pm.

4. Apply the .etg file to your graph by selecting the down arrow button that says "œImport to Selected Schedule".

5. The graph will then be applied to your existing project, where you can now program the group(s) and save the project for future reference.


Does this work with the orig. configuration utility also, or just EcoSmart live? I tried following the instructions, but nothing happened when I imported the file.
