New member
I am wanting to build a shark pond, 14x10x3 is the dimensions as of now. Right now, I'm wondering if my stock is OK. I will be filtering the 3,000 gallons of water with degassing towers and large bead filters as well as live rock. For sharks and stingrays:
-2 coral catsharks
-1 shovelnose shark
-1 gray smoothhound
-POSSIBLY 1 short tail nurse shark
-1 blue dotted stingray (normal, not ribbontail)
-1 banded houndshark
-1 brown banded bamboo shark
-1 horn shark
-2 epaulette sharks
-1 yellow stingray
For the other fish in the tank
-1 red emperor snapper
-1 pinktail trigger
-1 sargassum trigger
-1 cuban hogfish
-1 harlequin tusk
-1 majestic angel
-1 radiata lionfish
-1 atlantic spadefish
-1 naso tang
-1 moorish idol
-1 blue line grouper
-2 zebra eels
-1 yellow tang
-1 miniatus grouper
-1 threadfin snapper
-1 powder brown tang
-2 striped squirrelfish
-1 bicolor goatfish
-1 snowflake moray eel
Thank you!
Oh, PS - there will be minimal rockwork, with maybe 100 to 200 pounds piled up with a large cave at the bottom, and it will only go up so far that the sharks can just barely swim over it. Temperature will be at around 70 degrees for those cooler-water sharks. Also, what could I expect from adding an achilles tang in? I would replace something with it.
-2 coral catsharks
-1 shovelnose shark
-1 gray smoothhound
-POSSIBLY 1 short tail nurse shark
-1 blue dotted stingray (normal, not ribbontail)
-1 banded houndshark
-1 brown banded bamboo shark
-1 horn shark
-2 epaulette sharks
-1 yellow stingray
For the other fish in the tank
-1 red emperor snapper
-1 pinktail trigger
-1 sargassum trigger
-1 cuban hogfish
-1 harlequin tusk
-1 majestic angel
-1 radiata lionfish
-1 atlantic spadefish
-1 naso tang
-1 moorish idol
-1 blue line grouper
-2 zebra eels
-1 yellow tang
-1 miniatus grouper
-1 threadfin snapper
-1 powder brown tang
-2 striped squirrelfish
-1 bicolor goatfish
-1 snowflake moray eel
Thank you!
Oh, PS - there will be minimal rockwork, with maybe 100 to 200 pounds piled up with a large cave at the bottom, and it will only go up so far that the sharks can just barely swim over it. Temperature will be at around 70 degrees for those cooler-water sharks. Also, what could I expect from adding an achilles tang in? I would replace something with it.