Should I turn off my return during the day? Heat issues


New member
I already knew my tank would be at risk of running hot because I live in a very hot climate with high humidity. So the central AC can only do so much...

I'm trying to avoid a costly chiller and am currently running a nano tank that has only 1 power head(mp10) and 1 return pump. It also has 1 kessil that is about 12" from the surface. I've got some added air circulation, but not a fan directly on the water surface.

I'm wondering if turning my return off during the day would help keep the tank closer to room temperature. Currently it is running 2 degrees higher and the room is 77. The overflow feeds a refugium, no equipment, no sump. So the refugium and tank would probably be fine without each other for 12 hours a day.

Or would getting a larger return and running it on a lower setting produce less heat?

Thanks for any advise! I'm already looking at additional fans, I've looked at chillers, and am considering a window AC to put immediately next to the tank. The room it is in does get warmer than the rest of the house, so I can't turn the AC down until the room is cool enough or the rest of the house will be freezing.
As long as it is stable, anywhere between 76 and 82 is ok. I try to keep my tank about 78. You could try a fan blowing across the surface , but evaporation will increase. I would not turn off the return pump - the water left in the return section that will then just be sitting there will become stagnant.
well there is no return section. It's just a straight up refugium. Overflow drains onto a pile of rock rubble and the return is suctioned to the other side of the tank. It's an open design.

The biggest issue is it isn't stable. It is cooler at night and hotter in the day. Today's example is it went from 77.6 to 79.1 in 12 hours and it isn't even the hottest part of the day yet.
Above you stated "additional fans", are you currently using a fan? I wouldn't want standing water in the sumo either. You'll have a temp change when all that standing water goes back up to the DT
I'm not so certain the temp would be any different. I would put a small power head in the refugium to keep it alive during that time.

Would a larger return pump working at half power produce less heat than a small one working at full? If they are moving the same amount of water?
I'm not so certain the temp would be any different. I would put a small power head in the refugium to keep it alive during that time.

Would a larger return pump working at half power produce less heat than a small one working at full? If they are moving the same amount of water?

a larger pump working at half power would still produce the more heat as usually the adjust-ability is just a valve unless it's a DC pump but I don't know how they are on heat. what return pump are you using currently?

and how exactly does the water get from the DT to the fuge? is there an overflow box or is the tank drilled?
The temp range you are describing shouldn't have any real impact on your livestock. On my 110, it runs a range from about 78-80 degrees over the course of the day. If it goes over 82 degrees, the ligthts shut off and it cools right back down. Despite being LED's I bet they are causing more heat than the return pump.
Return off would cut off oxygen to the tank, which is even worse with warm water.

They make fan arrays especially FOR a tank canopy or tank rim. That can bust the temp down 10 degrees.

In the meanwhile, reverse your lighting cycle to come on at night, be off during the day, and put a room fan to blow on your tank surface. That will handle it until mail order can get you a proper tank fan.
The heater never needs to turn on.

The tank is fully open and currently the stand is too. It uses an overflow box.

I'll just leave it running and see about these fan alternatives. The tank is also directly under the AC vent but my ceilings are super high so it doesn't help that much.