Show me your best!!!

Ill play, Sunny Ds under actinics
those look like the Red People Eaters. I can't keep up with all the naming BS. I bought some from a LFS that people have told me swear are true Purple People Eaters. Paid $29 for a big rock full of them. I think you could find some pretty ones, stick some fancy name on them call them rare and ask a fortune for them and some people will buy. Silly really

Those are certainly not RPEs...not even close other than the fact that it's red.
Honestly all of them are fantastic, thanks all for sharing Ill try to take some pics of my new ones specially crazy ladies:spin3:
Hopefully some of guys can frag some of these... my wife ordered me a 300 gallon for christmas, she thinks I don't know..hahaha!!!! :love2:
Here are a couple I got this weekend at our local frag swap. For now they're in my 30g under 14k MH but once my new tank is up (50g) they will be under 2 AI Sols.

Red Devil People Eater:


Space Monsters: