Show Off your prop System!

now home depot theres one of those right down the street, lowes too. nice i'll have to go there and check them out. thanks. any clue how much they'd be for like a 50 gallon size?
I bought two flimsy off brands missing the lids for $10.00 and dubled them for extra strenghth. New rumbbermaid in the 40-50 gal size will probably be about $20 and only one will do as they are better made. Just check them out. Much cheaper than commercial or DIY plexi sump will be.
Finally after a couple of months and some hard work here is my 40ish gallon prop connected to my 75g.





CS8-3 skimmer and calcium reactor not hooked up yet.


The two tanks are connected by a iwaki 70rlt. About 500gph too the 75g and maybe 800 or so to 2x eductors in the prop tank.

I took a cracked 125 gallon and turned it into this. The tank alone is about 60 gallons. theres a 400 watt 20k over it. Notice the "berlin" reactor I made. It works great.




Here's my new frag tank, it was just built for the most part today. Its going to have a 175 W metal halide screwed onto those pvc pipes, they actually slide up and down the bin so i can get to either side without the light being in the way. The filters are simply two wisper hang on the back filters that are modded to be fuge's. any suggestions? its my first frag tank.



I think it is very risky to hang a MH light that way.

I would screw the reflector to a wood board and suspend from celing.

Just my opinion, later
yeah, so would i, but the rents wont let me hang a light from the plaster ceiling. so i couldn't figure out a better alternative, especially since it slides back and forth like that i liked that idea
Rsk8r4lif - Someone could get really hurt with your setup, and certainly run the risk of a fire. I advise you build a wooden hanger for your pendant, or find another way to hang it and there are plenty. Please be Safe - Not Sorry.
Couple more pics with the light hung, and some corals in it. I am very pleased with the acrylic's clarity etc. People with acrylic tanks, do they get nasty with coralline and hard to keep clean? What do I need to know about the upkeep of acrylic? Anything?



And an over exposed pic of the tank from the side.

Thanks in advance,
no matter how hard you try to prevent it, it will get scratches eventualy. Having no sand in there helps though. Unless you want corraline on your glass catch it when it is small and scrapes off the easiest. Looks nice. Good luck.
Thank rtbm that's what I kinda figured. I am gonna be as careful as possible to keep it nice looking. Would you recommend using an acrylic mag-float or just a rag and rub?

I use a mag float but I am very careful when I do. one small snail or starfish or something similar that goes unnoticed will scribe a fantastic gash in the pattern you make before you realize what just happened . I also use a denture brush for harder to reach places like my rounded corners. or tougher stuff. I would say just be aware of what is on the pad part at all times. If there is a better safer way. Or a better magnet cleaner for acrylic I would love to know.
KPK, i have an acrylic display. And i have to say that the kent pro scrapers with the plastic blade work really well
Thanks Eddy I am gonna get one because Its only been up a few weeks and has about 400 coralline specs and that will grow very quickly.

Thanks again,
Haha little to much actually. I have a Iwaki 70rlt running my main tank, and the prop tank. The main tanks runs about 600gph or so and the prop the rest minus head pressure etc. I was also going to run my chiller off of that pump, but was worried there wouldn't be enough flow considering the prop tank is about 4 feet and has dual returns.

The dual returns are connected to two eductors. I have to say these things are awesome. I really underestimated the power of the eductor, lol. I am now going to plumb the chiller to calm it down a little. It's really awesome flow, but I can't keep rocks even setting on the bottom.

If you are looking for some good flow get you a decent pressure pump and close loop it with some eductors and there you go.

ok so my tank from up above, the big blue container, yeah i woke up this morning, and the little feet built into it had pushed up into the bottom just enough to make a super tiny crack, yeah well that was just enough to make it leak and have to be replaced. So it actually got replaced to a 20 long, because of the way the filters were hang on the back it had to be a short tank, and the next size was a 40L which was too long for the cabinet its on. anyway my question is with a 20L, i know its possible, but how hard is it and how would i go about plumbing it in with another tank next to it so its all the same system, or would it be easier just to make two different set ups that way i could grow like soft corals in one and sps in the other?