Show Off your prop System!

very nice guys....

I'm finishing up my stand and will start working on my tank soon.... hope to post pics sometime this month .... tank size is going to be a 32 x 22 x 8 :)
I will try and get some pics of mine this weekend but yours all look great and have giving me many ideas since I just set my stuff up abou t2 months ago and have frags but needed more ideas
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9005702#post9005702 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by purebullet417
wow how much do you usualy sell them for may be intrested

I think he had some in the selling forum for $25, It might have been someone elso though.............
$84 Dollar Frag tank.....This was setup to prove a point that I could setup a working frag tank for under $100. The tank itself is a sweater box, the kind you slide under a bed, hence the wheels (kinda funny a frag tank on wheels) The tank was in use and producing for about 6 months before I had to tear it downdue to selling our house. It was mainly for zoo's and I was able to make about 2k off the frags
Steve, The plan was to use this tank for only a few months. I was aware of the plastic becomming brittle, but the size of that box was so perfect, 36"L and holds 16g of water and cost was only $7.99. Right now I have several projects in the works including a 55g sps growout system that I'm trying to keep total cost under $400 including lighting (used) Trust me I'm not cheap and I have multiple systems at home and work and can prettery much afford anything, but I like projects like this just to prove the average person can set up a frag tank with just about anything. All you need is a bucket, good water and salt, flow and lighting and thats it. I'm not one for these over the top, complicated systems with miles of plumbing.
This is the older sytem been up over two years now but always making changes. :lol:

Mostly Montis in this tank.


The mother colony.


The babies. :)


Really haven't decided what to do with these yet. The plan for now is to add one to the SPS system above which will replace a couple 25g tubs. So it's not really a net gain but tanks are easier to work with when you can see through the sides to inspect.


I use a little of a lot. :lol:

150W 20K


3 - 60" VHO


250W Radiums + VHO Actinic (this shot I used blue glass to filter the light)


Same tank, same light (Radium/VHO but the color is correct. :)


400W 20K XM


Also have a 175 Hamilton and a couple cheap 400w 20K's I'm using.

I was getting an itch today to setup a tank for my BTA and RBTA that live in a tub hooked up to the clean system. Lucky I needed a couple of 1-1/4" barb fittings or it would be done by know. :lol:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9055670#post9055670 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gtrestoration
I use a little of a lot. :lol:

Also have a 175 Hamilton and a couple cheap 400w 20K's I'm using.

I was getting an itch today to setup a tank for my BTA and RBTA that live in a tub hooked up to the clean system. Lucky I needed a couple of 1-1/4" barb fittings or it would be done by know. :lol:


Your corals look awsome, but I would like to know what is cheap in this hobby, I haven't found it. I've been looking for a couple of years
I mean the bulbs that are like a "grab bag of color". They call them 20k but some look like 6k and the next looks like moonlite. I'd call them imports but that doesn't have the same meaning with bulbs. ;)

Oh.. cheap is using bulbs far longer than most and when one burns out use an old one again. :lol:

If I didn't hate plumbing so much those 2 x 4 tanks would already be set-up. :)

How many of you run skimmers on your prop systems? I am thinking about setting up a few shallow prop systems (8-10") and each tank will be a seperate system. If I decide to go with a skimmer, this means 3 small skimmers that can work in shallow water. Thoughts?
going to build cab for my 20l this weekend......Anybody have ideas on sump. I am fabricating an overflow and plam on making this something to look at as well. It is going in my bedroom so it needs to match the furniture. What sump configuration do I need to use. Open for any you guys run skimmers on your props?
my work in progress

my work in progress

Wife said I couldn't have it unless it looked like furniture....Going in bedroom....It is a work in progress...this is what I got done this to set nails, stain, plumb, etc.etc....I got a good start on it.
I run a skimmer on my prop system, though many people dont. Mines a BB sps frag tank though so a skimmer is thought of as the way to go. I read your other post and you were considering to go BB too. I love the BB idea, but just for frag tanks. I do however have a fuge attached to the tank with LR and chaeto, which I read may be the path your going to take. My tank is a shallow 36X25X12, and the sump is a 40 breeder, which allowed for a rather large fuge. Your gonna have to squeeze in a lot of stuff into a small, looks like 20g, sump. Don't get me wrong, many people have this size sump and like it. With a skimmer and a fuge in a 20 gallon your gonna have to replace evaporated water regularly. But it can be done! Check out melev's webpage for sump plans or read some posts. Post some more pics as you get this going too.
You do you guys get those low frag tanks from. I want to get one or make one myself out of glass.

i got to ask Stan for the acrylic connection !!! glass is TOO expensive imho.. i wanted to build a 50 gallon tank ( for a sump )

using the oceanic sump as a reference... the glass was almost 400 dollars !!!
