Show Off your prop System!

Set up this 40 breeder earlier in the year:




Lets get this thread back to the top. Here is my six month old 33 long with 20gal sump/fuge. Lit with a single 250w halide in a DIY fixture. The HOB filter is just for carbon and phosban. I just got a new camera so pics aren't the best.




feedback welcome.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10220548#post10220548 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfever
Lets get this thread back to the top. Here is my six month old 33 long with 20gal sump/fuge. Lit with a single 250w halide in a DIY fixture. The HOB filter is just for carbon and phosban. I just got a new camera so pics aren't the best.




feedback welcome.

Looks great
That stand makes me nervous though! lol ;-P:eek1:
:D It is supported underneath. If those cabinets can hold granite countertops my little 33 gal should be fine. I hope anyway :eek1:
Here's mine. Its a 23gal (24X18X12). Its lit by a single 250 watt 14K pheonix with a reefoptix 3 reflector and a sunlight supply galaxy ballast. I have a seio 620 with the return for flow (about 40X turnover). Its only been set up for about 3weeks so I'm going through a brown algae bloom right now. Its plumbed directly to my main system so the water parameters are identical and I didn't have to add any additional filtration to it.
Nice setup...

It gives me an idea of running a T from my pump through the wall into my bedroom for a frag tank night light.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10222324#post10222324 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reeferon
Nice setup...

It gives me an idea of running a T from my pump through the wall into my bedroom for a frag tank night light.

That would be cool:) Its not hard to do at all. Mine is in the closet behind my tank. I had to drill a couple of holes in the wall for everything, but it was a breeze to get it up and running
That also gives me an excuse to buy a eheim 1262 instead of the 1260....
its's only $10 more and you get like 50% more flow.
Mr. Ugly,
Is that a subtle Calfo style over flow on your "under sized" 40gal? If so, how did you like it, and were the drains sizeable enough to give you the flow you needed? How was the sound (gurgling, spitting, cursing,..)?

Seriously sweet. I remember a guy in Michigan had a basement that looked like that back in 1976. I showed your pix to my wife and warned her that she's lucky we don't have a basement, otherwise it would look like that. We do have a garage, though...

Nice setups everyone
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10424523#post10424523 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Ricketts
Mr. Ugly,
Is that a subtle Calfo style over flow on your "under sized" 40gal? If so, how did you like it, and were the drains sizeable enough to give you the flow you needed? How was the sound (gurgling, spitting, cursing,..)?

Yep, you got it :)

I used a single piece of glass and glued it in at an angle so as to minimize lost space.

I really liked that overflow. The water sheeted over the edge quietly, and the surface was really clean.

I ran two 1 inch external Durso drains which are supposed to be good for 600gph each. The return pump was a Mag 5 so the tank to sump turnover was low and the drains were really quiet. Everybody that saw the tank commented about how quiet it was.

I outgrew the 40 and replaced it with a 24x48x16. That one has a center external overflow which is ok. I do like the Calfo way better.

Here's a link to the current setup.

I'll be doing another one probably the same size, but with a Calfo instead of a center overflow.