Show Off your prop System!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9632136#post9632136 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bower23
I almost like looking at frag tanks more than displays... odd?

You're not alone
Hey arnett! Good to see a fellow mich. reefer on here! I'm going to have to come over and check out your system one of these days (and probably pic up a frag or two:))


if you were to choose the cheapers but the best MH light. wich would you recomend to me. I'l looking for maybe 5 250W MH. but 5 can be expencive so I need to go a little low in budget for now
Depends on the tank size and depth. If shallow I'd consider 175's. The Iwaski 14K has had good feed back. It is bright but I'd need some actinic if it was for a display.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9711404#post9711404 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kenny77

if you were to choose the cheapers but the best MH light. wich would you recomend to me. I'l looking for maybe 5 250W MH. but 5 can be expencive so I need to go a little low in budget for now

Use the best most efficient reflector you can buy.
Well since I'm waiting to round up everything to expand another system that I don't run as clean I had to find something else to do. :lol:

I was up in Dublin, CA a couple weeks ago for a car show and had some extra time Friday afternoon. Looked in the phone book for fish stores... :lol: Found Aquarium Concepts, near 10,000 sqft of fish stuff. I was in heaven. :)

They had some old fish cubes they had replaced when they moved into this new location. Hmmm.

I decided to use two of these for a fuge on top of one of the light racks. This one has rock rubble and some smallish pieces of LR. What I plan to do is convert this one all over to the rubble which is about the size of the Shuran Ca media, but it takes a lot.


It drains into this bulkhead I had capped. It's 1-1/4 and I reduced it to 3/4 inside the tank so there isn't any splash from the bubbles.


The other one I cut out between the teeth and I'll fill it about half way with sand. With the sand in it and the teeth in place I would'nt be able to get much flow through it since the bottom teeth will be blocked.



The other system I'm adding to is this one...


Adding another 72" x 12" x 12" tank to it but the current sump isn't big enough. We'll be using a 60 gallon with two baffles. Using a piece of sheet PVC to hold filter socks when needed and adding a piece of eggcrate to hold the float valve. These two will be set up end to end and the main plumbing will be built so we can add another tank perpendicular later without much change needed.

Hey Steve--
It would be cool to use one of those compartments for natural attachment of mushrooms and soft corals onto a layer of rubble. If you made sure they wouldn't get blown around too much, they would self attach to the rubble for easy sale/trade. Just cut them and throw them in--none of that gluing/rubberbanding BS.
That's a good idea. I'll try and incorporate at least one into the "not so clean" system I'm adding on to.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9718522#post9718522 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gtrestoration
Depends on the tank size and depth. If shallow I'd consider 175's. The Iwaski 14K has had good feed back. It is bright but I'd need some actinic if it was for a display.


for a tank 24" wide 60" long and 12" high. but water will be filled to 11". also I will have a very very tin sand bed.

If I get 150w how close from the water should I place the light. If I get 250w i can get them for maybe $10 $15 more but I'm conserned about heat. If I place the 250w higher will this till contribute to heating the wtaer more than the 150w?
can I light a 48 x 24 X 12" prop tank only with 1 MH with HQI reflector. and this will cover the whole tank from side to side? or will I have shadows on the sides?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9754224#post9754224 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kenny77
can I light a 48 x 24 X 12" prop tank only with 1 MH with HQI reflector. and this will cover the whole tank from side to side? or will I have shadows on the sides?

If you are referring to a typical DE MH reflector, it won't even come close to lighting all 48". DE reflectors are usually more focused and produce less coverage. I use a Lumenarc3 reflector with a SE bulb on a 48"x24"x18" and the coverage is good and the whole tank is usable. Maybe their are some DE reflectors like the LAs (maybe LA makes them now for DEs) out now. I realize that HQI format does not mean DE but it is usually (erroneously) used interchangeably.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9754224#post9754224 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kenny77
can I light a 48 x 24 X 12" prop tank only with 1 MH with HQI reflector. and this will cover the whole tank from side to side? or will I have shadows on the sides?

That really depends on what you plan to keep/grow. I'm using a 400W in a Lumenarc3 over a 48" x 24" x 15" tank. The bulb is 15" off the top of the water to get decent spread. There is considerable par difference anywhere outside the OD of the reflector. For a mixed use frag tank a single bulb will work but IMO not for a tank full of Acropora.
