Show Off your prop System!

My 150W 20K DE Ushio, Im just going to move stuff from my 15g into my 28. I also have more rock on the side than the 10lbs in the 15....but I wont have any bioload anyways really.

I dont have pics of either right now, but I will post some up tomorow of both tanks.

Im glad also the way everything has turned out, my cleanup crew in my 15g consists of only 1 huge turbo snail, 2 ceriths, and 2 blue-leg hermits...I have had NO green algae whatsoever from the begging, my only problem in that tank is cyano, but It seems to be going away now. Im hopping I can pull this off in the new tank with better success and no cyano.

This is my first picture hopefully it will work.

This is a sneak preview of my greenhouse project. I will start a full thread in a couple of weeks after the fresh water testing.

Yes...the top pool rotates so that i can reach all sides.

I have a host for my website.I put it on it with a .jpg ending .I'll try agin.Mabey something did not load right when I transfered them with FTP.
One problem with hosting pics on a private ISP occurs if your pic (or thread) is popular. A large number of viewers can use up your ISP bandwidth allowance. FWIW
ok it worked.
I just drained a 180 gallon tank into the vat with the 1000 watt 20k over it I have to drill it so I can connect them.
The 1000 watt bulb is about 2 years old but will do till I get some new ones ordered and finish the system.
I also just set up the other 300 gallon with fresh salt a week ago.
I still have to get more salt and another 300 gallon vat but they were out of stock on the vats, I got the last one.I may call around and try to find another today.
Anyway the ASM G6 in the other vat will be removed when I get a large external ETS.
All 3 300 gallon vats will have 1000 watt 20ks to supplement the sun when needed.
I'll post a better pic when its all complete.
This is set up in a 16x20 attached greenhouse so alot of the time I dont even need the halides.
I may just connect 2 of the 300 gallons to the 180 glass tank and leave the 3rd 300 Rubbermaid as a stand alone QT/prop system just incase.
coralfarmin, looking nice. Guys I am gonna have to get some buying/trading going on so that I can start stocking my tanks up!
coralfarm'n said:
All 3 300 gallon vats will have 1000 watt 20ks to supplement the sun when needed.

3000w not including any other lighting you will be running, Dude do you know what your electric bill is going to look like, not including the heat that is going to get generated... If you have not done this already you may want to look into that...

Funky_Fish14 said:
Sounds like a nice, big system.

1000W to supplement the sun eh? You didnt think 400W 20K would suffice?


I agree with Funky_Fish14, you would go with 3x 400w and it would prob work just as well and only end up using a little over 1/3 of the watts...

Shawn I feel comfortable saying that I considered most obsticles.
I have been already runing 2 1000 watters 12 hrs a day anyway.

these 3 will only run 5-6 hrs a day when needed....somtimes weeks/months will go buy when they are not even needed, so my electric bill should be less than it has been.When they are run it will be from 6am-11am when its cool...there is a exhaust fan for heat..but if needed I will get air cooled hoods.

I like the spread of the 1000 watter over the 300 Rubbermaids, also I only need one reflector and cord like this.

I have a 180 gallon glass tank that will have a 400 watt 20k(12hrs per day) on a hydroponic light mover as well.This is also gonna connect to the system.