My 10g frag tank. I started small for several reasons, but larger plans in the works over the next year. It's currently housing ~130 frags waiting to be sold or growing out for my display. 4x24" t5ho, k1, DIY sump (follows).
My 10g DIY sump. I wanted to play around with differing filtration and husbandry techniques so it's pretty packed. It's connected in-line with a direct u-tube siphon. Water returning fills the display and lowers the sump kicking the siphon into gear. Water passes through a skimmer, floss, GFO+GAC, DSB, LR, Miracle Mud+Caulerpa. Also planning on adding mangroves for giggles as I ordered some for my display's fuge.
Hard to make out everything in there so here's my diagram.
It's a lot of filtration for a 10g with no fish, but I wanted to play around with a small system to maximize sps growth and water quality. I dose 2-part daily, iodine daily, amino + vitamins twice weekly, and magnesium once weekly.