Show Off your prop System!

Just set this up the other day. I have a closet next to my main tank so I took off the door drilled a hole in the dry wall and Bam! A frag tank! I run a 6 bulb Tek T5 fixture and a Wavysea.
Finally got my tank set-up. Just need to let it run for a few weeks and get the small cycle done it's going through




sitting next to my big tank. Not all the lights were on Oh well

The tank dims are 48*24*12, obviously stacked. The bottom one is partitioned at the 30" mark to allow a small sump area for skimmer dump and return pump. Also the black plastic pond is an trial idea...i am thinking of using it as a shallow fuge. It would be easy to maintain and cheap to light since its only 6" deep. But i dont know if i want to take up that space...and its not helping with the evaporation (3 gallons/day)...we will see in a few weeks or depending on feedback.

At long last it is here:





If i cant trade this for a light i want, i may very well just have to set it up :D

nice size tank!

Thanks! It was a leaky 120 gallon (48*24*24), that i tore apart and had a friend cut (notice the bad pieces of glass on the bottom in the back?).

Nice set up 1DeR9_3Hy..:thumbsup:, how about a pic of the full set up together?

Its a work in progress, as i collect parts i will finish it. Next in line will be the lighting. I need two more ballasts, 6 end caps, and 4 more reflectors for the top. I wont be starting on the bottom for awhile...

Then i will clean up the wiring/setup and hopefully find room for the 55 gallon water jug I just picked up.
My new prop setup.
Dims 60x30x13 ,I tore down the old one... Funny enough it's posted on this thread haha. The new one is tied into my deep water species tank ( also been using it as an lps prop tank honestly) since it's 6 actinic & 2 blue plus bulbs lol .. The species tank is 48x30x19 . Total volume on the system is 340G or so .

Geo 8x24 calc reactor
Alpha 250 skimmer .
ozotech 200mg/hr ozone generator
2x tuzne 6205
1x tunze 7095
2 Sunlight supply t5 fixtures . 8 bulbs each
Apex controller

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Hey whatcaneyedo,

I have seen the fishing line propagation method of hanging frags in books but never a system itself. Do you have problems with them swinging because of the water movement? I dont know i am just curiuse.
Hey whatcaneyedo,

I have seen the fishing line propagation method of hanging frags in books but never a system itself. Do you have problems with them swinging because of the water movement? I dont know i am just curiuse.

I'm limited to how much flow I can have in the tank because of them. ATM I'm running a mag 9.5 as return and two Koralia 1's. This gives me about 30x per hour, any amount more would cause everything to blow around too much.

I'm surprised that grow-out in suspension isnt more popular. By doing this I dont have to custom make a shallow tank to efficiently use as much of the volume as possible. I hang all of my SPS and then litter the bottom with LPS and softies. I guess the real catch is that its a pain to reach down to the bottom of the tank with everything hanging in the way.
I'm limited to how much flow I can have in the tank because of them. ATM I'm running a mag 9.5 as return and two Koralia 1's. This gives me about 30x per hour, any amount more would cause everything to blow around too much.

I'm surprised that grow-out in suspension isnt more popular. By doing this I dont have to custom make a shallow tank to efficiently use as much of the volume as possible. I hang all of my SPS and then litter the bottom with LPS and softies. I guess the real catch is that its a pain to reach down to the bottom of the tank with everything hanging in the way.

Im going to be hanging a few sticks in my own tank (its already shallow...but i will be playing around with all sorts of things, so why not include this).

Thanks for the idea!
the whole thing of going witht he hanging method is to put a reflector on the bottom that way you get 360 degs of light so to speak. weather it be white sand or a mirror....
A clean white sand bottom would be ideal however I siphoned all of mine out several months ago because for me it was creating too many problems. Even though the tank and its substrate was about 2 years old I still got a lot of diatom and cyano outbreaks that made it look pretty unattractive. I keep a yellow coris wrasse in my frag tank for pest control and it loves to stir sand up several times a day, some of which would land on my coral sitting on the bottom. I had problems with LPS tissue recession in some cases where the corals tissue became smothered from being against the sand. When I frag an LPS I try to give it plenty of flow around the cut area which is simply easier when you're bare bottom. And finally bare bottom allows me to easily siphon out annoying spreading kenya tree, anthelia, and slime/algae so that it cant spread to the individual frags sitting on the bottom. I wish I could have a nice clean looking white sand bed in my frag tank but for me its just not practical. At least I dont have any live rock in there so that I do get some amount of reflection off of the bottom to benefit my suspended frags.