Show Your Tank!

There is nothing better then to pick on John and then laugh about it!!! Jay i will PM you in a bit! Basketball time. :)

Steffen Sparks
puffin04, it's okay if all of you pick on me, if you are pickin on me then that means you are leavin someone else alone. I am a big boy and can take it. :wave:

I feel left out since the pic of my tank was so small, I finally figured how to post my pic in a large scale LOL!

well here is a pic of it today.
:thumbsup: Erik! Lovin the clams and the welso's/brains. Definitely have one of each on my xmas list to santa this year.
here are some other pics that I like alot, my tyree mummy eye chalice started with 4 eyes now it has 17!


here are some whammin watermelon zoas


I found a pic of the chalice a month after I got it from Dennis

I picked up a few fish today over at The Coral Reef. All of the fish there just seem to be so healthy, they all had good color in the bag and were already eating as soon as I added them to the tank. I will try to get some pics of them soon.
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