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Turned the lights down on this one. I don't have actinic lighting but I do have dimmable ballasts on the 250W pendants. They get bluer when turned down.

Tried top down on this one, but don't really have a top down box just a piece of glass
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Holy CR@P John! That is f-in nice man :thumbsup: Crappy photos or not. This is very nice. This is all powered by the sun? I know you stated that you supplement with the MH's. But damnnnnnnnn! This is nice.

Now that its approaching winter and less daylight, how long do you have the MH's on? Does it affect the corals in the different types of lighting that you use? Do you find one particular species of coral harder to keep over another because of natural lighting? I keep reading more and more on solar tubes used in salt water tanks--people are swearing by them next to LED's. Hey what is more then free and abundant as the sun right? Next time I am around Demming, I will def stop by.

I have writers block right now, working on 2000+ word paper that is due this weekend, and decided to stop in and say :wave: y'all.
paulduong, very nice looking reef you have going there. What size is the tank? It looks like you have a good variety of corals in there and have plenty of room for growth as well as more coral. Tell all of us about your system if you will please.

Steve, Thank you. I say poor quality due to lack of proper focus and the color is off some.

Thanks Hans you are to kind. It can be totally powered by the sun and all the corals grow like weeds, but I like to see it in the evening so I do run the lights. As the days get shorter I run them longer. This time of year the lights will be on from about 5 to 9 or 10. In the summer the lights wont get turned on until 8 or so and go until 10.
I do know that every coral in the tank seems to like the natural light but I have noticed that things don't color up as nice. They do make filters that can be put in the solar tubes to change the spectrum of light but I have just never ordered any. I think it would be better if a person did use the filters.
Yes, John looks great! :thumbsup: That is a lot of room to roam for the fish!! On the dimmable ballast is that on a timer? Love the shot of the mushrooms!

Thanks Jay. The ballasts are not on a timer to dim them, there is a knob that has to be turned. I know of no other way to do that than by hand. :wave:
paulduong, very nice looking reef you have going there. What size is the tank? It looks like you have a good variety of corals in there and have plenty of room for growth as well as more coral. Tell all of us about your system if you will please.

Steve, Thank you. I say poor quality due to lack of proper focus and the color is off some.

Thanks Hans you are to kind. It can be totally powered by the sun and all the corals grow like weeds, but I like to see it in the evening so I do run the lights. As the days get shorter I run them longer. This time of year the lights will be on from about 5 to 9 or 10. In the summer the lights wont get turned on until 8 or so and go until 10.
I do know that every coral in the tank seems to like the natural light but I have noticed that things don't color up as nice. They do make filters that can be put in the solar tubes to change the spectrum of light but I have just never ordered any. I think it would be better if a person did use the filters.[/QUOTE
thanks , sorry for the bad picture , i will get a better camera next time . it is a
4'x5'x22in . only 4 mos old , just lps and soft corals and a few incrusting monti for now .
paulduong, so you have about 275 gallons? Do you run a sump or have HOB equipment? I like the lps and softies myself as well as the caps. I like seeing a nice mature sps tank with all the nice colors but for myself I prefer the movement of the softies in the flow.

That is a nice size, 4'x5'. It looks really nice the way you have your rock work done.

I am not gonna come here to play cuz J&J are pickin on me.
i have a 50 gal sump , aqua euro 400 skimmer , mrc2 calcium reactor . i like sps too but it is too soon for me to have those nice acroporas .
See this is exactly what I am talking about, now Jay is not only pickin on me he is poking me in the eye with a sharp stick. I can think of a lot of things that are better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. :wave:

paulduong, yes please do post up more pics.
I think if jmait769 would spend a little less time pokin me with that stick he would have time to update his current tank info and get us all up to speed. :wave:
I think if jmait769 would spend a little less time pokin me with that stick he would have time to update his current tank info and get us all up to speed. :wave:
:lol: If I could just get it shut off I would be happy. I don't see how people can run more than one tank! :)
