'Shroomies only


New member
I've been setting up my 29 for three months now and vacillating all over the place on what to do with it...SPS, LPS, mixed softie, nem only etc. So today I asked myself what are my favorite corals and hands down it has to be the 'shroom species. My tank is also home to a bonded Picasso pair and I know that these two fish chose hairy 'shrooms over a BTA in the LFS display tank (perhaps because they like the shorter tenticles which are more like their natural host nem)

So today I raided my other tank of it's mushrooms (a 20g softie) and dedicate this tank to a "shroom only heaven. I took the large zoa colony and the candy's out but the clam is staying.

That said...anyone out there with shroom only tanks - can you post them and let me know what flow, lighting and conditions you have and where you are placing certain varieties.

What is the ideal temp and SG for shrooms?

Thanks in advance.

Here's my very empty (but now with a direction) Mushroom Tank. I don't have close ups (yet) So far I have a lavender hairy, lime green hairy, blue, red and bubble.

Okay back to re-thinking LOL *smacking self on head*. I finally got the search link to work and found loads of 'shroom only tanks...not really sure that's the look I'm after :hmm3: :twitch: :rolleyes:
I think that looks great. Any species only coral tanks look sharp to me. Who doesnt love shrooms :)
Yup, me too I guess lol. Still haven't decided 100% to go shroom only...but just incase..that's all I have in there except for my clam :D So far, so good.
Thanks WaterWorldAqua, I'm actually quite pleased myself...which is rare lol ;) You know how it goes with 'scaping ...there's always something not quite right haha.

My biggest problem is wondering if I should upgrade to a 40 breeder before I start filling. What I'd love to do is move this 'scape, as it is here, to the back wall of a 40 and make a few small "shroom islands up front. In a 29 what you see in that pic is what I have but in a 40 there are 6 more inches of scaping room.