silly me: frog's don't have sweepers...


Staff member
RC Mod
...I was absolutely sure they did. Now I know why mine has never put any out, though everything else in the tank is voracious. :o I kept waiting and looking. But apparently, according to my very knowledgeable lfs person, they're a wysiwyg coral---what we see is what we got!
Hmm... All LPS have sweeper tentacles. It is their only means of aggression. The fact that you haven't seen them, doesn't mean they aren't there.

- Mac
I'm not sure if this is what your talking about,but I have found frogspawn sweeper tentacles are longer and more aggressive in higher currents, and the coral is pretty mellow in lower currents
Well, I kept trying to figure out where any additional tentacles would come from, but couldn't find anything likely---like the candy canes unfold from the button center, but clearly this type can't do that. Nothing around the base.
So I'm safe to put it closer to things. That saves tank space! :)
Dascharisma, yep: it's what I do for a living.
Not necessarily. Frogspawn are able to basically elongate their normal tentacles and concentrate nematocysts in that area. After doing this, it has a long (~6") potent sweeper tentacle.
LPS send out sweeper tentacles in response to other perceived threats in the tank. Putting it closer to another coral (ie: potential competitor) will simply make it more likely to send out sweeper tentacles. If it's not sending them out currently, that's a fairly good sign that it's happy where it is, and placing it closer to anything else may upset that balance.

Oh, and just as a rul of thumb, most LFS employees don't have a clue what they're talking about. :rolleyes: