Sittin at home is sooooo boring!

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Sooo I partially tore my Alkalies Tendon and work has nothing for me to do because I clime ladders. So I get to sit at home and watch TV. This SUCKS! just thought I would share....
I got laid off 2 weeks ago now. My day consists of putting out several resumes/cruising job sites, working out for several hours, eating, playing video games, and napping. It really sucks (I am being serious, been doing this for 2 weeks straight now).
You get used to it lol. I have been off work with an injury since April 1985. Get a motorcycle, a race car, a bigscreen TV, and kick back and enjoy lol.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15241012#post15241012 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jmking33
dugg...dont forget the online poker!

Yeah I think that's what I would do is play a ton of online poker and sell junk on ebay all day.
I'm not allowed to mention the *& *&^% *&^%$ here on RC lol. The U.S. goverment is siezing all of the money in those accounts right now anyway, so i am currently sitting back with an empty account waiting to see what happens.

I spend most of my time laying on the tattoo table these days getting ink injected in my skin lol, or at the bar hanging out with my good friend Captain Morgan., or out riding my new bike, or both lol.
I guess i'm just a little wierd lol. It doesn't bother me a bit sitting around doing nothing. I actually preffer it lol. I have lots of hobbies to keep me busy though i guess, but work is a 4 letter word in my world. Learn to amuse yourself and enjoy it lol.
You don't have to be bored staying home. Get an old car and build you a race car out of it. Race on the weekends and repair it to go faster all week. Get a motorcycle and ride the wheels off of it. There are tons of things to do without going to work. You can't live more then an hour from the beach. Get season tickets to the theam parks, get a bigscreen TV and a gaming system. If you are bored grow a few brain cells and use em lol. I been at it for 24 years now and can't remember a single day of being bored.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15245184#post15245184 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dugg
You don't have to be bored staying home. Get an old car and build you a race car out of it. Race on the weekends and repair it to go faster all week. Get a motorcycle and ride the wheels off of it. There are tons of things to do without going to work. You can't live more then an hour from the beach. Get season tickets to the theam parks, get a bigscreen TV and a gaming system. If you are bored grow a few brain cells and use em lol. I been at it for 24 years now and can't remember a single day of being bored.

i think some of these people are counting pennies. is this a way to show your wealth? we (keithntracy) are very lucky to have good jobs, if i lost mine it would surely be penny counting time.
That's the truth! I've been laid off since March 1st, and sure I could find a million things to do if I had money, but my time is spent job searching and baby sitting.

Hopefully once your healed you will have your job to go back to, because this market is really tough. Good luck, get better soon!
Not trying to show my wealth. Just making suggestions. Why does everyone assume i'm wealthy? Not my fault if someone else has to count thier pennies. I'm just out of work i didn't say i don't get paid. When you spend 10 years having your shoulder reconstucted and have 16 pins holding it together get back with me on that one.
Beside all that, anyone that is in this hobby that is pinching pennies needs to seriously reconsider thier priorities IMO.
No I just cant drive or do anything because I pulled the tendon in my right lag. It hurts like hell when I am not taking the
See now how can you be taking Vicodin and be bored lol? Lul-a-bye and good night lol. I pulled EVERY muscle in my right shoulder joint loose when i was 19. Spent 6 out of 10 years with it strapped to my stomach. Luckily i am allergic to Vicodin so i spent the whole time on demerol. Now i only get 5 valliums a day to keep the muscles from getting spasms and pulling loose from the pins holding them together. If you look at my avatar close you can see where 2 of the muscles are missing in the front. Those were torn so bad they had to remove them. See it could be worse, enjoy the time off and be glad you just pulled a tendon a little.
That is true, it is not that bad. See most pain medicine does nothing for me. yes it gets rid of the pain but it does not get me loopy. When I was 15 I went through neck surgery. I spent the next 4 months in a neck brace and then a couple more months learning how to walk again. All the outer muscles in my neck had to be cut to get to a muscle by my spine/brain stem because it became detached and was cutting blood flow off. Basically it took them a year of loosing feeling in my hands and feet to figure this out. So recommended dosage of pain pills really dont do a whole But my parents bought me a used Ford Escort for my 16th B-Day, which I thought was the coolest thing in the world!
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