Skimmer pump replacement question


New member
I've got Bubble Magus BM180EX skimmer (25" tall) with dead Atman PH4000 pump (1500gph). I have 125 gal tank so such pump is somewhat overkill. I am thinking of replacing the pump with smaller Atman PH2000 (700gph). Could there be any performance issues associated with the inconsistency of physical volume of the skimmer and pump flow rate?
The problem with trying to match a different AC pump with a skimmer is body is that every-time you are wrong you need to buy another pump, but if you get a DC skimmer pump you could just increase the speed of slow it down.

I personally would not put the smaller pump in your skimmer, half of the volume.
Could there be any performance issues associated with the inconsistency of physical volume of the skimmer and pump flow rate?

The performance will certainly be different and it will likely not work well at all..