Skimmer Replacement Pump


Active member
I have a EuroReef RS 250 that needs a replacement pump. The GenX6000 that it came with does not seem to be available anymore. Which pumps would work well with this skimmer. I'm considering a Sedra 9000, BB 3000, OTP3000 and Sicce 2500 or 1000. Opinions please on which pump to go to.
BB 3000 will be a great choice, They don't make the OTP3000 anymore since the introduction of the Bubble Blasters, Not a fan of Sicce's at all.
Thanks for the input. Here's the problem - for what the BB 3000 costs I can add a hundered and get a whole new skimmer. Not sure which way to go.

I was looking at the Octopus Exreme XS 200, what's your opinion on it. Will it do a good job on a 180 with about 200 gallons of total volume?
That is true, you can get a new skimmer for not much more. Having said that, I feel the body design of the Vertex IN series (also old EuroReef and H&S) is one of the most efficient / best performing body designs ever made.