Skimmer suggestion


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Well time to retire the MR2 skimmer of mine, Santa is gonna bring me a better skimmer for x-mas. Are the needle wheels still what everyone is recommending? What is the best one for the money. I need it to handle my 300 gallon set-up. My load is low at the moment, but once i have a better skimmer in place i plan on increasing that load.
Get the SWC 230 or SWC Xtreme 250 1A cone protein skimmer. I got the 230 model for a buddy of mine and he loves it. The 230 is rated for 300 gallons and 250 1A for 500 gallons.

The build quality is amazing. They make perfect custom volutes and come with an Italian made Askoll 1500 pump. Its a beast.
It's a MR3 skimmer, not a mr2. Has the 2nd injector and quick release. Asking 300 for it. I ended up getting a XP3000 external for my system.

Check out Avast Marine ( They have a great can DIY it or but it prebuilt, both in sump and Recirc, and the pricing is great. I have an item from them and the materials are awesome. They are also based here is the states and 100% U.S. production.

Their cone style (Similar to my itch which is AWESOME) fully loaded, including self cleaning (a cool feature they have called a "swabbie" that keeps the collection cup neck clean automatically) for #$355.00, including a sicce pump.