So you got a new fish tank Newbie

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Sorry -yes I meant asexual reproduction. I'm still totally in agreement with you on your take on anemones. I think when I wait long enough to think my husbandry skills are good enough - I'll wait another 6 months to be sure. Nothing good about rushing right?
Hi all,

Sorry about the delay in checking this thread. Had playoffs the last two weekends and of course I was trying to pick up some cash last Thursday. Perhaps some of you saw me. I was in the stands behind the Presidential podium doing my thing; selling peanuts, hot dogs and cold beer to the past presidents and esteemed guests at the inauguration. Once again the weather was cold so beer sales were off. I need to get the 20th amendment changed so the inauguration occurs in warmer weather. Did get some input in with the pres on cutting the deficit. I suggested out sourcing congress and making to supreme court an automated call center. :D

I'd better stop before one of the mods reminds me of the user agreement clause on politics.

I agree that starting a new tank with anemones is not a sound idea. In the past I told most people not to ever try anemones but recent info has caused me to change that view. Do get a year or two of experience before attempting their upkeep.

I'm not sure why they say T-5 is new technology, they have been around for some time. I would also think the phosphors in standard and T-5 lamps would be pretty much the same. I'll check into it.
How long should one wait before putting zoos into a tank? They seem like a great way to get some added color, and they look awesome.


How long has the tank been up and running. What are your water params, and what other stock do you have?

How long has the tank been up and running. What are your water params, and what other stock do you have?
My Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate are all 0, sg of 1.025, Temp: 79

Tanks has been up for a month, all thats in it right now is 5 teeny damsels, live sand, live rock. As my tank is so new, I am trying to figure out the path for the next few months, ie: the first year.

A month is pretty new. Planning on what you want is a great idea and will help you not make any mistakes (if that is possible) On the zoo's I am NO expert but I would wait until a couple more months go by and the tank is more stable.

How much sand, rock and how big is the tank. What kinda of lights are you using.
55 Gallon, 60 lbs live sand, so far I have about 35lbs of rock, but it is slowly increasing as I buy cured rock.

If you are not done buying rock I would really hold off on any other tankmates for those damsels until you are finished. Even buying what they tell you is cured can still make a cycle and then you will loose that stock, or really stress it. No sense wasting money, this hoby cost enough!!:)
I have a heater and powerhead, and 5 gallon bucket to make sure that it is cured before it enters my tank. And the damsels are going away, they nip at each other constantly. Plust, they are not that much fun to look at.

plus they are little ****s to every other fish. Get some green or blue green chromis, they are kinda neat looking and they get along with other fish
Hi Robinson,

I would give it another week or two then, if nitrogen levels are still low, add additional stock in small amounts. The secret is to take things slow and easy and let your tank adjust to the added load.

2004 Year in Reviewââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Â3rd Stanza

I need to wrap this up before this year ends.

RC welcomed Anthony Calfo to its expanding list of expert Droids. Anthony, talking about his galactic adventures, wrote Starfish Wars for the June issue of Reefkeeping. This is a great article to read if you plan to add any of these interesting but often misunderstood creatures to your tank.

Our good old biology Droid, Doc Ron, wrote a very good article on Live Rock Filtration. We talk about the benefits of LR constantly yet, we really don't have a deep understanding of how it actually works in providing biological filtration. Ron speculates on some of the mechanisms involved. He also promises to conduct some research, along with Eric Borneman, on how LR accomplishes its tasks.

Quote from Dr. Ron Shimek in his article "Why Are there So Many Kinds of Reef Animals?
Similarly, there are just ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œbristle worms,ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ not many thousands of species of polychaete worms. Or sea stars. Or pods. Orââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦, well, you pick the group; aquarists certainly seem to know that there arenââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t that many of them.

Although it was in this month's RK, I'm sure Ron wrote that in 2004 finally admitting there were PODS. Since a renowned expert has used the word in his writing I feel better about being flamed in Ron's article You Can't Tell Your "Pods" Without A Program... about my generic use of the word pods. :D

In another welcome trend I see many featured tanks with culture set-ups in their galleries. Gang, having cultures of live food for ones tank is really a major benefit. It is so simple even a dumb newbie :D can do it. A minimum set-up requires only a few empty liter soda bottles, a couple of air stones and some cheap lighting. If you have the space it is a great idea. See Frank Marini's excellent series on Home Culture Methods and you too can have fresh food for your charges.

Finally Kirby Adams wrote Halimeda:The Cactus Algae in my opinion a very good algae to use instead of Caulerpa.

Well that is a few of the things that caught my attention last year. How I can sit back and wonder..."If Cingular's goal is more bars in more places will they build a bar on my street? It sure would be handy and there would be no worry about a designated driver if I can walk." Cheers. :beer:
Scuba Oz said:
Tom, it makes us wonder what drives your dementia:):)

Over exposure to salt water.

By the way I mentioned Anthony's article on starfish in my review but left out Doc Ron's on the same subject--Echinoderms. It is just that Ron covers up his works with Latin names so only lawyers and priests read them. :D
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