So you got a new fish tank Newbie

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First off HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.:bounce1: :bounce2: :dance: :jester: :celeb1:

Tom, glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. If your anywhere up around where my parents live in Cinci I heard of the 27" you guys got. Of course I can smile when I say that sense it is 70 right now at 6:30 am here:).

As Mike4271 said there is a lot of you in his tank, well I started my tank finally and I agree, there is a lot of you in my tank also!

Thanks a million for all you have taught us, and I look forward to your full recovery so we can once again laugh and learn from your threads:cool:
My complements to the chef.

I've just spent most of my day reading this thread from the inception and I think it's the most informative collection of Q&A that I have ever seen. It is said that the truest sign of mastery in a particular field is the ability to teach it. WK I believe you have quite successfully proven your knowledge and experience.

I seriously hope there is some way we can save this entire thread as part of an FAQ.
I do know I have proof; last time they tested by blood it was 90 proof. :D

OK Newbies, fall-in and dress right dress! Now all of you that got new tanks for X-mas and haven't a clue what to do next step forward. Well, Golly be! I guess you think this is the face of the of the Sugar Plum Fairy or something.

You think I can instruct ALL you newbies on how to keep that tank going? I suggest you read my Field manual 105-78 "Recipes for preparing and cooking those floating fish in your saltwater tank."

For those that stll have a few swimming about we'll see what we can do to keep them going next time I log on.
Hi Tom,
Glad to see your back and feeling well(cranky that is).I haven't been scolded in quite some time.Hahaha
Hey Waterkeeper -- Glad this thread is coming back. Also glad to read you're feeling better.

I'm getting together a 20long, with a 10g refugium. Before I get to the point of adding fish though, I need to learn more about this "freshwater dip" stuff I've read about. I have a 5.5g nano that I can use as a q-tank, but what are the rules for introducing a fish to my q-tank? Freshwater dip, slow drip, etc? Thanks!
Hello fellow reefers.....I am very very new....tank is cycling just about a week....60 gal with 100 lbs uncured rock and 60 lbs sand (1/2 live) ...protein skimmer with overflow ..... lights have been kept off while cycling..... I only know what I've learned from all these incredible forums.... don't see much life in there yet...but I did get excited when I noticed a few things that I have learned from your links might be Aiptasia...however they appear to be pinkish..and the pics I've seen appear more whitish.....what do you think?
Sounds like you have been doing your homework, nice setup. Peppermint shrimp worked for me on the dreaded anemone.
Stelow...thanks for the suggestion...but can I put Peppermint shrimp in at this time? I was told not to put anything in until it finishes cycling.... could the shrimp even survive at this point? doing more web searching to ID this creature - the red/pink color makes me think it looks more like "actinia equina" than aiptasia...if we leave it alone?
First off, like all of the other newbies who have been reading this, THANKS!!!! I have learned more here than all of the other places I have been researching for the last two weeks.

Also, like all of the other newbies, I have a question. I notice you said not to cycle using fish. Well, my LFS suggested using damsels, so I have had them in my tank for a week now. I have crushed coral, and base rock (35 pounds)in a 55 gallon tank. I already asked the lfs, and they will not take the damsels back. Should I add live rock, and live sand to it now to help with the cycling? Or shoudl I wait until after the cycling is complete using the damsel fish, and then add the live rock and live sand (actually, mostly marine sand and some live sand)

I appreciate any input!



Have you tried taking the damsels to another store for a later credit or something? If nobody will take them, you could put them in a little 10g setup with a cheapy filter. Then you could use that for a small QT or sump later in the game
If I pick up a little 10 gallon setup and put them in it, won't that cycle and cause the same issue?

The more I learn, the more I know I have to learn
No, you wont have any rock in the 10g. The cycle will happen without the fish, it just takes longer. You can use a piece of cocktail shrimp alao.

Put the fish in the 10g with a little cheap filter and nothing else
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