Newbie Advice
Newbie Advice
Hi there, first post, I've tried to read all I can (impossible - too much written) so I'll ask my questions for my proposed setup. I have a 220 glass tank and a wet dry to use for sump on bottom with protein skimmer. I found a local wholesaler that will sell me some live sand at .25 / pound (so I think that makes it better than going to the ocean and harvesting my own) and Haitian live rock at $2.10 / pound. I have a guy that will deliver my saltwater (advantages of living close to the ocean) that he also runs a UV system on before it gets to my tank. So my plan is to get the water, and then put live sand and live rock in at same time ?? (how is haitian live rock?) I have 150-200 pounds of Fiji that was alive 8 months ago, when I took down my old tank. I noticed the LFS had UV on all their reef systems, and I had thought that it's not advisable on reefs, but they swear by them, so was thinking to add a 36 watt UV (as they say it will not only keep any diseases and algae blooms to a minimum, but also will make the water much more crystal clear looking. My home made hood has 2 X 175 MH, and 3 6ft. VHO Actinic. I'm thinking my lighting won't be sufficient and was thinking about add a PC setup with 384 watts. Lastly, I've read about flow, and although my return produces quite a bit, I'm thinking that adding a closed loop system is a good idea. So what about using a canister Magnum or something for that so that I can use Micron and/or Charcoal on it when it is needed.
OK - LOL - Sorry for so much info at once, but I'm excited about all the hours I've been reading on this great hobby, and I'm very excited to get everything rolling.
Thanks in advance for any advice - Randy
Newbie Advice
Hi there, first post, I've tried to read all I can (impossible - too much written) so I'll ask my questions for my proposed setup. I have a 220 glass tank and a wet dry to use for sump on bottom with protein skimmer. I found a local wholesaler that will sell me some live sand at .25 / pound (so I think that makes it better than going to the ocean and harvesting my own) and Haitian live rock at $2.10 / pound. I have a guy that will deliver my saltwater (advantages of living close to the ocean) that he also runs a UV system on before it gets to my tank. So my plan is to get the water, and then put live sand and live rock in at same time ?? (how is haitian live rock?) I have 150-200 pounds of Fiji that was alive 8 months ago, when I took down my old tank. I noticed the LFS had UV on all their reef systems, and I had thought that it's not advisable on reefs, but they swear by them, so was thinking to add a 36 watt UV (as they say it will not only keep any diseases and algae blooms to a minimum, but also will make the water much more crystal clear looking. My home made hood has 2 X 175 MH, and 3 6ft. VHO Actinic. I'm thinking my lighting won't be sufficient and was thinking about add a PC setup with 384 watts. Lastly, I've read about flow, and although my return produces quite a bit, I'm thinking that adding a closed loop system is a good idea. So what about using a canister Magnum or something for that so that I can use Micron and/or Charcoal on it when it is needed.
OK - LOL - Sorry for so much info at once, but I'm excited about all the hours I've been reading on this great hobby, and I'm very excited to get everything rolling.
Thanks in advance for any advice - Randy