So you got a new fish tank Newbie

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WK - I got my tank all plumbed and got my fresh supply of real saltwater today. So I guess it's time for more questions :) My return is pushing water out so fast that it's creating like a venturi - millions of tiny bubbles result. I'd think to get some flexible hose and lower the return so that can't happen. But that means when power goes out - I'll have a flood. What should I do ?? (PS - this is the greatest thread for us newbies)

Awaiting my live sand and rock now :)
WK, do you have any threads that detail closed loops?

I looked at Anthony Calfo's posts about CL's and I get the general idea of them but I have yet to find any CL's on a drilled tank rather than going over the top and, for lack of a better word, "sitting" just under the water around the perimeter.

I plan on getting an acrylic tank, I'd like to have a CL but would rather not have all that pvc sitting out in the open if possible.
Hi WK;

Thanks for the encouragement and the information. I did a water change today (20%); my ammonia has gone down guite a lot & the nitrates are high (20ppm). I will try the 3 day water change as you suggest.

Not all chemists are strange - just most of us.
I should have read this thread way back when I started to read (not post) on RC and I would not be stuck, for the time being, with the crappy substrate of 60lbs of LS and 50 lbs of CC..

Probably would have purchased a way better skimmer too.. Can't wait to read more..

On the subject of skimmers - I haven't bought one yet. Any recomendations? My Tank is a 90 Gal. I have a relatively small sump so it would need to sit outside of the sump.


skimmers you have a couple choices.
1. either get a HOB skimmer and hang it on your sump rather than your tank for looks.
2. get an external recerulating skimmer.

i think for your size tank and all i would go with an aqua c skimmer. there are alot of diff. skimmers out there but that all depends on how much you would like to spend also.

just my .02
Aqua C's are generally better thought of on this board than the CPR. Personally, I have a CPR Bakpak, tricked out for reefing, and love it.

What type of standpipe design are you using? See Marc's site in my reply to Sarah for links to sump designs.


Try this page Melev's Reef Closed Loop. He also has designs for every type sump imaginable at his site.


The HOB skimmers are fine for but you are close to the upper limit on tank size they can handle. You may consider the Euro-Reef but it is expensive. Red Sea Berlin skimmers are also commonly used. It is really hard for me to recommend equipment as there are just so many brands available and I've only used a few. Pick out one you like and ask about it on the Vendor Experiences forums. You usually get some good opinions there from current or former users.
<MARQUEE LOOP="infinite" >
Happy New Year.</MARQUEE>
:celeb3: :celeb2:
Hey Tom, happy belated new year!

Just wondering If there is anything you can educate us about theese graphs and the video?

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">

And the video showing alkalinity vs ph.
Why sure Boxfish; the last one with the pH scale is much more revealing than the first two. It is really hard to see the contributions of hydroxide, silicates and phosphates, and total alkalinity, in the color graphs. However, give the little guy on the right some hydroxide and I bet he can really swing that scale in his favor.

Couldn't make the video work.
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waterkeeper just got done reading this tread it took me about a week and about a hundred dirty looks from my wife but i did it. awsome info!!!!!! i have been reading books and gathering info for about a year and a half.

i finaly went out and bought the big glass box. i am now building it into my bar so it will be a while before i am ready to take the big plunge.

i do have a question. i have a reef ready tank and it has two holes in the overflow. i was thinking of using one to feed my sump/fuge. for the other. i was reading the info on melev's page about his closed loop with a scwd. i was wondering will it hurt anything to run one closed loop system out of one hole and the other hole drain to the sump and run the returns over the tank. it is going to be built into the wall so you really wont see the return pipes. the idea was maybe to use a slower pump for the sump so the fuge would work better. i would still be turning over a lot of water just not all going to the sump. just was wanting you take on the subject.

i am a newbie and. thanks for your time i really love all your threads you give us newbies the info straight no big hard words to confuse us
Are there any sources for the Southdown Tropical Play Sand mentioned earlier in the thread? I checked out a couple local home depots and they don't carry it.
Hi Pana

When you get the bar up and running you can get your wife a few drinks and lighten her mood. Come to think of it, it would improve my sour disposition also. :D

The general consensus these days is more flow is merrier (especially at the bar ;) ). Indeed,use a closed loop with a sump. As long as you don't wash the LR and LS from your tank the flow is welcome in any reef tank. Pump away.


You should have gotten a patent on Southdown (NewCastle) or whatever. It has become an endangered species these days and is worth its weight in gold to many reefers. The one thread where Southdown is reported, much like aliens at Area 51, is All You Wanted to Know About Southdown where such near earth observations are frequently discussed. ;)
cl and sump from same overflow

cl and sump from same overflow

Maybe I'm slow here, so I'll ask, what happens with this arrangement when the sump pump stops pumping and the CL pump is still pumping?

Maybe the answer depends on which standpipe is higher?

I like having independent loops, but I have not tried them dependent, so I may just not understand the right way(s) to do it.
A closed loop is, just that, a closed loop, although there are all sorts of designs ( as of late). It is just a recirculating leg if done in the manner it was originally intended. The original concept was to just have a powerhead in the main tank with the discharge connected to a manifold of some sort. This allowed a wider flow dispersal and better re-oxygenation than the point discharge of the powerhead. I know that people like to improvise on all reefing concepts but a true closed loop that quits will have no effects on overall system volume as it is just a recirculator.

And with only one more view this thread gets its 64,000th reader :D
Yes, and the lucky winner of our "RC-Reef Janitors Crew" where you get to clean all staff members tanks for the next 6 months. :D

Can I start with Dr. Ron's, Greg's, Anthony's and Eric's?

Let me know when I can start. :D

Sorry to hear the news!
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