Algae is the bane of sooo many reefers but it is a plant and, like any plant, it needs things to grow. They are
- Light
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Trace Elements
With light there is not much you can do if you are keeping corals. The next three chemicals are the key. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Ever used a fertilizer on your plants? It is marked something like 12-6-2 where those numbers indicating the fertilizer contains 12 part nitrogen to 6 parts phosphorus to 2 parts potassium. It is the first two chemicals, nitrogen and phosphorus that the reefer tries to attack.
Remember the ocean is fairly nutrient poor. All algae are in a battle for both nitrogen and phosphorus. To win the battle they are amazingly good at snatching up both N and P available in the water column. Often a tank that show zero ANN (ammonia, nitrite, nitrogen) will have sufficient nitrogen compounds to sustain an algae bloom. The thing is the algae take it up before the tester has time to gather the sample and run his/her test.
One of the reasons I still hold to having a DSB, especially for the beginner, is that it provides a great place for bacteria to completely process ANN into nitrogen gas, a form of nitrogen not usable by most algae.
Phosphates are different story. There is no phosphorus gas that can be eliminated by venting it to the atmosphere. Any entering the tank will remain there unless it is exported in some fashion. There are 4 main ways to do this
- Skimming
- Water changes
- Using a phosphorus "sponge/reactor"
- Growing Macro-algae and harvesting it
The bare bottom folks advocate a fifth method; removing detritus from the tank. That is well and good but unless you are constantly removing your fish droppings the tank will process phosphate into soluble forms available for algae growth.
My guess is that you cured your LR in your main tank. This added heaps of nitrogen and phosphate into the display. Water changes will eventually remove it but I'd suggest trying either macro-algae in the sump or a phosphate sponge to hasten export of this nutrient. I bet that helps.