So you got a new fish tank Newbie

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Tom looks nice.
A few questions: Is that rock from another tank and what is a micron bag in the sump?:confused: Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m thinking a filter but not sure. Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m setting up a taller tank but am now thinking that a 20 gallon sump might be a good addition after I get this up and running.


Its a 100 micron bag and the LR is from my LFS. Also forgot the sand bed is approx 4 1/2 inches deep. The diatoms are going to town now and its like watching the movie dune in my tank except no sandworms milling about LOL
do I get one of those cool WELCOME gifs

do I get one of those cool WELCOME gifs

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to stop in and intro myself.
I am a noob to this forum and to the reef/saltwater aquarium hobby.
All I have so far is a new 50 gal AGA(36 x 18 )tank, I got a good deal
from a friend who upgraded to a bigger tank, an AGA pine stand from
pets-warehouse on the net (180.00 shipped best price I could find but
I wish I had used that $ to build my own)
and a cheap set of Odyssea 192 watt PC lights w/ the lunar blue LED's
from ebay (under $100.00 shipped).

Not sure what direction to head into now, I would eventually turn this into a reef tank but will start as a Live Rock/Sand w/ Fish

1) so I need recommendations for a budget filter/skimmer set up.
or should I make my own sump with a 10 or 12 gal tank?

Any advice, tips or tricks or stuff for sale that I might could use
would be greatly appreciated as well as stories of what you would have done differently.

2) Also any referals to where I can buy quality live sand and live rock at a great price?

I'd like to get my set up started but also I'm a budget so deals are GOLD!


ps I'm convinced RO/DI system is they way to go and I will be ebaying one this week so It will be in place before I set up the tank..

Great thread and helpful folks from the lurking I've been doing.
Welcome kiddetoolman to RC. Not sure how far you have been into this thread, but I would definately recommend starting at page 1 and reading through it all. It is absolutely filled with great info and helpful threads that you can refer to!

I am using this thread today as a guenea pig for posting photos. So here goes - - - below you will hopefully see my tank. I am looking for advice about adding some extra flow to my tank - options, best placement, etc. All opionions appreciated.

BTW - my tank is currently looking much better now that the diatom bloom is regressing.



<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

The best advice I can give is read read read and take your time. You will learn who to listen to after awhile. There is some good adcvice here, you just gotta pick and choose.
Waterkeeper is one you should listen to. (Don't tell him I said that.) All kidding aside, most moderators know what they are talking about. I would also spend a lot of time in the chemistry forum. You will really get an education there.


Tanks for the warm welcome...

Next purchase I am looking at is a protein skimmer and
reading the plethora of guides, the main message I read is ..
Don't skimp on the skimmer.

Although I couldn't find side by side tests and reviews I think I
narrowed my choice down to 2.

The Coralife Super Skimmer and the
Turboflotor 1000 multi

anyone recommend one over the other or pro's and cons?

Man `O man, you can sure tell this is the Newbie thread when everyone is posting pics of diatom blooms. Good bloom by the way.:D

Pat is trying to cut into my welcome banner count I see. ;)


I really don't know of any good comparison articles on skimmers. They come out with new versions about every week so it gets kind of hard to do that anyway. This Thread does have a lot of advise on skimmers.
Tom, Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ve been reading the ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œReef Chemistryââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ thread and was reading the article written by Randy Holmes-Farley: Reef Aquarium Water Parameters (a summary general article):

OK A lot to learn, I know. What are your thoughts on this Coil Denitrator:

Something I havenââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t seen in the sumps of the many readers on Reef Central.

Hereââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s an interesting fish that lives here in the desert. Yes we have an ocean. Itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s under the sand!! A ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œbiologicalââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ relic

Thanks as always,

Hi J,

Randy has a wealth of info on his forum. If you want to learn about reef chemistry they are well worth the reading.

There are several threads on RC people that have had good results with coil denitrifiers. They range from the simple to very elaborate. I've never tried one but I gather they work. With a DSB it probably is overkill but if I was trying a bare bottom I would certainly consider using one.

Oh, and those Cyprinodon are FW and a protected species. However, who is going to see you collecting them in the middle of nowhere. :D
Sense of humor

Sense of humor

Waterkeeper: about: Man `O man, you can sure tell this is the Newbie thread when everyone is posting pics of diatom blooms. Good bloom by the way.
I love your sense of humor. Please keep going.
Tom, I just wish I had paid better attention in school!!:)

From Randyââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s article: ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œFor example, water orients with its oxygen atoms pointed toward the positively charged calcium ion (Ca++) in solution. This effect is very important for many properties, from solubility to osmotic pressure.ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ And that was the easy stuff!!

I have been out to take a look at where the Tularosa Basin versions of Cyprinodon hang out in the desert. To be honest, I hadnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t thought about it being a FW fish that adapted!! It is up range and requires a pass to get up that far. The water is only 6ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ to 8ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ deep, salty and very hot in the summer. A desert swamp!! Really it was hard to find them!!:cool:

Back to newbie questions: After I get the RO/DI unit, salt, (well you know the laundry list!!) and I fill the tank up with my dead sand (aragonite) and dead rock (I managed to find some coral pieces) how long can I leave the tank up and running before adding live rock and sand. My plan was to add the live stuff on top of the dead stuff to raise the rock upward since the tank is 31ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ deep. The reason I ask is I have to go TDY (you remember that from your drill sergeant days!) for a week and I had thought about mixing the salt, adding the dead stuff and getting the mechanics up and running before I left. There will be someone home to watch it. What do you think?

I was more often DIQ than TDY. :D

As long as you have a way of replacing evaporated water the tank can sit, and sit, and sit, and sit.:rolleyes: In fact it it is just dead rock and sand you might forgo the salt and let it sit with just FW in it. Then you can let evaporation prevail if you wish. A better Idea might be to add some LS, if you can get some, before you leave. That will kick start the bed and the caretaker only needs to maybe throw in a pinch of food once a week to feed the bed.

I don't know how anyone could fall asleep in Chemistry classes. Just the mere mention of Zwitter Ions should peak anyones attention. :hmm4:


Close but never SHOUT welcome. ;)

Oh, and for all of you that think I'm a Jarhead--


"All the Way"
Hummmââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦..DIQ:beer:ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦.been there a few times!!
I think my TDY just got CXLââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ed due to LOFââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s!!
I hadnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t guessed you a ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œLegââ"šÂ¬Ã‚!!:D
Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m still working on the fixture to hold the tank and all and will post a few picks in the gallery when itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s worthy!
Thanks Tom and ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ HOOAH!!!!!

USMC all the way here. The Few and The Proud!!!!

But I won't hold it against you Airborne guys.



Just think, I use to be "Death from Above" and now I need to limit the "Above" part to under 30 inches. :D
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