So you want to buy a shark? (Shark primer)

Bamboo sharks got sick

Bamboo sharks got sick

Hey Alpranzo,

I saw your thread and you seemed to be very knowledgeable on the topic of sharks and was hoping you could help. I recently had two baby bamboo sharks in my tank, one was a couple months old, and the other was a month older that that. I hatched both in my tank. Recently, in the past two-three weeks, both sharks have died. :( The older one died about a week ago, and the younger one died today. Both experienced the same symptoms, but the younger one's symptoms happened right after the older one died. I went different aquarium shops by my house and no one knew what was going on, and did some research on my own as well. The only explanation I could find was a bacterial infection, but am not sure. The sharks would lose their appetite and would not eat. I could not find any red dots on their bellies, nor could I find a lump in the throat. In the tank I have a grounding probe and my levels were the same as they were when I set up the tank and normal throughout the period, as was the temperature. I was feeding the sharks frozen squid and octopus. All the sudden, the older one stopped eating one night when feeding. Before this, he had a very healthy appetite, but did not eat ever since. He would lay around, almost motionless. At times, it was almost as if he would swim in place. He started breathing heavily, and about a week and a half to two weeks after he stopped eating, he passed away. 2 days after the shark died, the other one stopped eating. The younger one was more outgoing to begin with, and during this time he would swim around, but lay in the sand motionless after. What I found weird was that the sharks would twitch while swimming around. All the other symptoms were the same as the older shark too.

In the tank I also have 2 tangs and a clown, all which are doing fine. Is there anything you can think of that could of caused this? I want to start over with new shark eggs, but am afraid to without finding a cause to the other sharks' deaths...
Alprazo should be around soon.

But in the mean time i could help out. The selling and buying of shark eggs is a tricky business, and not to preach, but something that I avoid and i think others should to! The success rate is horrible... as you have witnessed. If you consider what takes place in the wild, and the rate of eggs laid to hatchlings and then on to yearlings, the successful ratio of sharks to make it to a year of age is extremely low. This is one of the reasons why sharks have evolved 3 different reproduction strategies (egg layers, eggs kept internally, live birth), plus parthenogenesis in a few select species, where females produce clone offspring all by themselves!
So, by not purchasing a shark that is perhaps already a juvenile and eating already, you are taking on the natural risks that also cause juvies to not survive, such as deformities, birth defects, etc, in the wild.

You mentioned that the juvies were twitching while swimming. If I understand correctly, they were shaking their heads back and forth? This could indicate a parasite, or "fluke", especially on or around the gills.
You fed frozen squid and octopus... For a newly hatched shark, these are pretty large and dense (esp. octopus). How did you prepare it in order for them to be able to consume? Did you notice any type of bloating in the stomach areas?
The octopus is usually extremely rubbery and hard to cut, depending on which type or how you purchased it.
Did you QT the tangs and clown? If not they may have introduced something into the tank prior to the shark eggs. Tangs have been known to pick at sharks.

What size tank and what type of filtration and water movement do you have?

Hope some of this helps.

Thanks for trying to help. I wouldn't say the sharks were shaking their heads, but more their whole bodies. It just looked like a a quick twitching when they would swim to find another place to lay.

I would cut the food in small pieces and soak it in a garlic solution. I have noticed a bloated stomach before, especially in the larger shark. I used squid at first, but when i wanted to buy more, they were out and I tried octopus. The other fish were in there before both sharks hatched. I noticed the tangs bothering each other at first but not the sharks.

The tank is a bit small, around 100g, because I was setting up a larger tank for the sharks at the time. For filtration I have live rock, a protein skimmer, and a refugium.
And how long had this tank been set up?
It can be hard to feed newly hatched sharks. Most of the time the hardest part is getting them to eat anything at all! If they are fed too much food at once, it is possible for the food to decompose before it is digested, while within their gut. In larger sharks this can sometimes be remediate. But in a hatchling, it would be much harder.
If they were jetting off from where they were laying on the sandbed, with a twitch or two while swimming off, it sounds like there is something on the sand bed, then on their skin, that was irritating them. I would say some sort of platyheminthes, monogenea (thanks Alprazo) or parasitic copepod. The first two are usually eradicated by Praziquantel, or brand name PraziPro. The third, parasitic copepods, can be a little more complicated and that would he better described by Alprazo or Zoodiver.

IME, it is best to avoid eggs. Start with a juvenile or yearling. And if you can find them near you, captive bred would be best!
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And how long had this tank been set up?
It can be hard to feed newly hatched sharks. Most of the time the hardest part is getting them to eat anything at all! If they are fed too much food at once, it is possible for the food to decompose before it is digested, while within their gut. In larger sharks this can sometimes be remediate. But in a hatchling, it would be much harder.
If they were jetting off from where they were laying on the sandbed, with a twitch or two while swimming off, it sounds like there is something on the sand bed, then on their skin, that was irritating them. I would say some sort of platyheminthes, monogenea (thanks Alprazo) or parasitic copepod. The first two are usually eradicated by Praziquantel, or brand name PraziPro. The third, parasitic copepods, can be a little more complicated and that would he better described by Alprazo or Zoodiver.

IME, it is best to avoid eggs. Start with a juvenile or yearling. And if you can find them near you, captive bred would be best!
It's been set up for almost 7 months. I had both sharks eating early, the older one was about 4 month and the younger one was three. Could overfeeding have caused them to stop and act strange?.. I'll look up what you mentioned and see if I can figure anything out.
Yes overfeeding can cause them to stop eating, if what I described was to occur. If the gut fills with decomposed food, at worst, it can be fatal. It may cause extreme gas and a bloated look in the sharks midsection.
The frozen octopus I buy sometimes is so dense and rubbery that i use only small bits mixed in with other seafood. Being so dense, when swallowed whole, I imagine it takes quite a bit more time to digest, as is the nature of enzymes and acids. Less surface area to act on, by swallowing whole, and much more mass due to the density of the octopus.
Hatchlings/small juveniles can be fed small meals daily due to faster metabolisms. During the first year of a sharks life it will grow more and faster than during any other time. A varied diet of smaller, "mushier" items, supplemented with a vitamin/fatty acid product should be sufficient. Keep an eye on Iodine intake, but dont go nuts trying to supplement it. I use un-cleaned raw shrimp that still have the "vein", remove the shell myself, and dice them into small piece. If the shark is very small, ill mush the diced piece of shrimp in between my fingers.
Hope this Helps.
Hey Mike,
I agree with what has already been said.
Twitching like that can indicate they are struggling to pass something or move something down the GI tract. I've seen pups work to pass food items that a juvie or adult wouldn't even blink at.
Pups usually need a lot of smaller feedings more frequently compared to the adults of a species.

Kind of a sad story as an example, but I lost a captive hatching Zebra pup (Stegastoma fasciatum) to very similar circumstances as you are describing. Was the only survivor of a group of four eggs. Hatched perfectly. Started eating a couple days later. With in the first few weeks it was conditioned to target and take food from my hand. (It was going to be a display animal, so I wanted to get it involved in a operant conditioning program.)
Several weeks into it, the shark stopped eating. It exhibited the same "twitching" behavior as you described. After it passed, I did the necropsy to see what went wrong.
Lodged inside the stomach, I found a small piece of plastic wrapper. I found out a staff member who wasn't authorized to deal with the shark thought it would be fun to feed it. Sadly, the protocols for food prep weren't followed, and part of the packaging was fed to the animal. The same type of thing occurs with non-digested food.


Here you can see excessive bile (green patch on the liver, the right side is the spiral valve protruding out) being produced to help break down the foreign object in the stomach.


The dark rectangle on the left side is the plastic, the middle section is stomach and the right is the spiral valve.


I wiped it clean before realizing what it was.

I'm very sorry to hear that Zoo. Though it is very informative and I appreciate you posting your analysis for us. Very unfortunate that sometimes others can be so negligent.
Zoo- Thanks for sharing that with us. As they say a pic is worth a thousand words!

Sorry to hear about the steg. They are beauties for sure!
To me, by sharing stuff like this, it enables others to avoid the same thing.
Mistakes happen. But the same mistake twice means you weren't paying attention.
Thanks for sharing the pictures zoodiver. It is very informative. Took me back to anatomy lab. Sorry about the shark I remember the thread you started she first hatched. NY aquatics had some zebra eggs a few weeks ago. It took a lot of willpower for me not to order a couple of them. Are you going to get another one?

I came across this article and thought this would be a good place to share. I assume because this is called part 1 there will be more to follow.

Elasmobranch Enthusiasts (Part 1): Modern Husbandry – Space
I know Paul, and he posts on MFK in the shark section. It is going to be an ongoing series of article talking about the husbandry of various elasmobranch species that people show interest in.

As for another Zebra for me, not at this time. I don't have a display large enough to house one. In the next couple of weeks I may be starting a project that would incorporate possibly a pair of Zebras into the group of elasmos they would like displayed.