Did 8 years of art in highschool, haven't done much with it in college but these are AMAZING man, i always hated working with water color. Was always more of a pen and ink and clay
Thanks man,
I just started with watercolor doing these. It just seems natural to paint fish with watercolors.
I have done a lot of acrylic and screen and woodblock prints. I have a Bachelors and a Masters in Art and the teaching certificate to go along with it. Most of what I do now is photography.
Very nice...This is the first time I've seen you include something besides fish. Have you done anything with corals? I'd love to have some custom art for my website. I'm assuming you know which one I'm referring to since I can't mention it by name here.
Edit..whoops..just saw that one other filefish one with corals a while back. ..but still...the question applies.
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