Some new pics of recent red macros I got-any tips on care?


New member
So I just got these guys, one is a Galaxaura, the other is some bubbly plant I have no idea about. Any tips for how to grow these guys?


Weird bubble plant with sticky bubbles.

That galaxaura is pretty! I haven't kept that one but it looks calcified, so I'm guessing it likes calcium. The red grapes seem to prefer a little dimmer light than some. I'm no expert on that one either though. Google 'em.
When Red Grapes have that color, they are getting too much light. Bortacladia is collected in GOM between 60’ - 120’. At that depth, it has a dark burgundy color. As light intensifies, it goes from burgundy to red to orange to yellow. I do not find it attractive under bright light.
the bottom are red grapes, yet either very neglected or just started to regrow - they should be deep red on long stems
the bottom are red grapes, yet either very neglected or just started to regrow - they should be deep red on long stems

So all the grapes turned green/white and my damsel ate the rest. I moved the plant (or what remained, pretty much half the stem) to the bottom of my main display and the bubbles are starting to bud on it again. Their a deep red so the position should be enough light. Definitely a slow grower and will take a while to get up to a good height.
I grew Red Grapes in a 55G tank with two 40W bulbs. At the end of five years, it was 16” tall and covered one third of tank as main display. It is a gorgeous display macro, unless you have Tangs or rabbits.