some of my z's and p's

Is it actually Mike who is posting but I am very lucky that we are both reefers. My wife actually got me into reefing a couple of years back. She had been keeping saltwater fish for around 15 years now. She grew up in the middle east and got into fish snorkeling over there. It is great that we are both into it together but on the other hand there is no restrictor if we want to buy something, hence the amount of frags.
I personally like the ones with the unknown ID the best, but you have a great assortment there.

I like those too mainly because of the rock and how they are spread out.

Maybe you could submit the name unknowns for the record. :beer:
Quick teaser some black people eaters:
I'm sooooo jealous of your tubbs blues!

Thank you, I picked them up from a member of my local reef club. Started as maybe 10 polyps but is now over 30 polyps. I have them pretty high up on a frag shelf under a 250k 14k MH with an mp10 almost right across from them in a 30g tank. Hopefully this helps anyone with tubbs blues, they are such a nice shade of blue.
We did some aquascaping in the tank to get some things off the sand bed. Also got some new pics.

Red Hornets


Heart Breakers:

My named fireworks:
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Was going through some old pics on photobucket and figured I would show some growth shots.
Purple hornets on the far left bought at MACNA 2009 when I first brought them home:

Today about 15+ polyps:

Captain America Palys which I also got at MACNA about 6-7 polyps even though you can only see 2:

Now, this has also had about 10 polyps fragged off of it:

My nuclear greens and purple deaths when I first got them about a year ago:


This is from our old 20g tall, these started like this:

Grew to this (look on the left side)
Well my un-ids must have been a bit bleached because they colored up. Personally I liked them a little bleached, but healthy zoas are better zoas.

When I got them:

Do you have a name for the light blue palys on the right of your caps? I have some but haven't found a name. Also on your unidentified orance zoos, I used to have a few of those. They were always finicky and slow growers and one day the whole colony just disapeared....
The light blue ones I bought as Icebreaker palys. We will see with the orange ones, they are wild caught so I know they have more of a chance of melting. So far so good, lets hope they stay that way (also since they were "bleached" I got them for $10 for the whole rock).
Just out of curiosity when you say you keep the tubbs up pretty high, how high would you say? I am running 2 250w icecap 14k's with icecap ballasts and mine are about 2/3 down in the water column and are a deep blue with brownish skirts.Do you think I could slowly move them up, and if so how far? Thanks for any input. Great Z's and P's by the way:rollface:
They are in a 30g cube about 4 inches below the water surface on a corner frag rack. They are up high but I think since they are in the corner they are doing well.