Some recent Macros


New member
Hi's been a while since I posted, but I'm still practicing away.

Finally got motivated/inspired by the regular posters, who keep this forum alive!

Thanks for looking!

Hawkins Echinata - a focus stacked image, of about 7 or 8 exposures.

Another focus stack of an Echinophyllia sp. Also about 8 exposures.

Single exposure of Fromia sp. starfish.

Candy Basslet

Randall's Anthia

Thanks again for checking them out!
Oscarmeir- it is a very cool technique....the lens used was a Canon 100mm macro, handheld with the fish, and stacked with a full set of Kenko extention tubes on a tripod, wiith the corals.
Thanks noy!

I use Helicon Focus to stack them. If there is considerable ghosting, because the animals move slightly, I use PS elements to clean it up. I use elements and nik software to adjust contrast, saturation, sharpness, etc.