something funky is going on here...


Premium Member
I just tested my water and my calc is above 500 and magnesium is above 1500. However, my alk is 8.6. What gives? I havnt changed anything or added anything to the tank in a long time.

I think it must have something to do with the calc reactor. Im using ARM media and my effluent has a pH of 6.8. Seems funny that my alk would be fairly normal, but calc and mag would be out of wack.

Any help appreciated.
have you used a different test kit ? they may have gone bad ? if your alk kit is bad then that van throw off the Ca ?
I tested with two different Alk and Calc tests. I only have one Mg test. THey are all Salifert.

I have a DIY calc reactor and I just recently had to fix a leak. Now the pH in the reactor is 6.4. IM thinking this is why my calc is so high. Thoughts?