Source for Flexible PVC?


Active member
Hi all,

I'm looking for an alternate source for flexible PVC pipe. I am aware of, but would prefer gray to match the visible fittings I've already planned for and purchased. However, smallest offering in gray is 50 foot roll ($70), and that's far more than I need.

Suggestions? All I need is about three 3-foot lengths.

Never used the gray stuff but you could always buy the white stuff from Home Depot or Lowes and paint it.. I'd cut it to length, then tape the ends that you will glue and hit it with some gray spray paint.
i don't know if they have gray, but i got a bunch of black flex pvc from amazon a while back for a reasonable price. might be worth a look.
I’ve used two types of black flex PVC. One bends a lot easier than the other. If you’re trying to make tighter turns, look for the more flexible version.
I have bought from both FlexPVC and FlexiblePVC - prefer the former. I think you are going to find gray by the foot hard to find. Call them and ask. FWIW, the ultra flex/EZ flow has thinner walls and higher flow, and it is more flexible, but you have to be careful about it kinking which is why they actually say the bend radius is less.
Just call a local electrician and ask for liquidtight non-metallic conduit. I’m in Wyoming otherwise I would share. We order it by the spool.
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Oh hey, I just looked at and it looks like they do sell it by the foot. :thumbsup:

so i'm looking at this:

Can you tell whether this is pvc? couples to PVC fitting with PVC cement? Does this require a "terminal adapter"?

FYI, all this is for is to make it easier to pass the plumbing from external overflow box (1.5" lines, 3X for Bean Animal setup) through wall to fish room on other side. Tank is heavy (7 or 800 pounds), so even on sliders, trying to line up pipe and push through holes pre-drilled in wall would be a fool's errand, unless I made holes really big. Using flex will let me get close enough, then move the pipe around for alignment through. Re bends, I will actually be using sweep elbows to convert from vertical flow down to horizontal through through the wall, so flexibility of the flex pvc is not an issue.

There is also a hole in the back wall of the tank, dead center (for a reverse undergravel flow pattern I'm setting up, using perforated plate to define a below-substrate plenum) that is right in the way of the center pipe from the overflow. (Even though I sent the overflow box to Coast to Coast for them to use when drilling holes for the various features, the morons didn't recognize this inference of plumbing..... dummies!) Before hitting on the idea of flex pvc, I bought a couple 45 elbows to "swing around then down past" the hole and the fitting. Flex PVC will simplify.
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Yes it is PVC. It's the same kind as the 50' rolls on as far as I can tell. You can use pvc cement and connectors.

I would still advise you just call and get some from a local electrician. Seriously, 3 ft lengths would just be scrapped most of the time so you can probably get them for free. :rollface:
Has anyone tried "blue water suction pvc hose" G941BW? It is a lot more flexible than spa hose, however the 1" hose has an OD of 1.26" rather than 1.31". I tried cementing it to a fitting with weld-on 795(I used primer) and works great. No matter how much twisting and pulling solid connection. The alternative would be to cement 1" pvc pipe into a fitting and ream it out to 1.26" and then cementing the suction hose in. I live in Canada so not very economical to order ultraflex.