Southdown Alternative @ HD - Pulverized Limestone

Thanks for that Paul. That looks great! I'm worried that the bulk of the 40% that went through the .150 mm mesh might be dust. It's really that dusty.
Now usually, I would not wash calcium based sand before I used it, as to preserve as much buffer as possible. Perhaps in this case, that would be the wrong choice, eh?

Hate to rinse 40% of your sand down the drain. But even at that rate, it is still a bargain.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7900700#post7900700 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by captbunzo
Now usually, I would not wash calcium based sand before I used it, as to preserve as much buffer as possible. Perhaps in this case, that would be the wrong choice, eh?

You can always rinse it in used tank water when you do a water change.
I like the looks and idea of this sand so far, but I'm curious about how well sand dwelling creatures (snails, gobies, etc) would take to it. Anything different about this sand that would make sand dwelling creatures not like it as much? Any reasons to stay away from it so far?
my only reservation is that the pieces may be sharper/ more abrasive than sand. Sand by its nature is smoothed through wave action and erosion. The Limestone is shattered and pulverized, it may result in a sharper edged product.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8305372#post8305372 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thebrian
nything different about this sand that would make sand dwelling creatures not like it as much?
Not at all. Sand dwelling critters will like it just fine.
Any reasons to stay away from it so far?
If you like your sand perfectly white and clean, or you want SUGAR fine grained sand, then don't get this stuff. However, you will then have to pay 8-10 times as much for sand. If you are on a budget, Pavestone is an EXCELLENT choice...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8305407#post8305407 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pwhitby
my only reservation is that the pieces may be sharper/ more abrasive than sand. Sand by its nature is smoothed through wave action and erosion. The Limestone is shattered and pulverized, it may result in a sharper edged product.
Good point, Paul....
My Ilyanassa snails go through it without a problem and even my Sailfin Molly will pick at the sand as it sifts out particles. Sure, it doesn't sift it out of its gills like a Sand Sifting Goby. It instead spits it back out.
So I guess this is considered a good alternative?

Travis, the 29 with the clowns had it in it.

I think it looked OK but there is a lot of dust that comes from it and it takes forever to clean.
any word on weither or not this works? Just curious getting ready to set up a 75 gallon and looking for a cheaper alternative.
it works, but it's all about personal preferences on the sandbed. Pro's and Con's about all the various substrates. I have my 42hex full of this stuff. Not as "WHITE!" as the aragalive I've used in the past, but for a cheap alternative. Why not!
I have it in my 10 gal., with a Rainford Goby.

He sifts it through his gills, with no negative effects so far.

Yeah, it is not as bone white as some, but works for me.
Yes, it absolutely "works". It is a PERFECTLY acceptable alternative and way to save some money. The big con is simply that it can look very dirty with grayish black specks and such inside, depended on the batch you end up with sort of a dirty white look.
very cool lowdime, that is my plan for my new 220g. Going to put 200lbs "ish" of pavestone and top it off with a couple inches of a nice indopacific black sand, or whatever I decide on when I finally get to that point.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9455973#post9455973 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LowDime
so if you put this on the bottom and then covered it with the white sand that would be cool?
Well, that WILL be cool. However, it WILL end up mixing. Even though, the whiter look from the nicer stand may create a better look.....
For those of you looking for bags, I just saw some at the new Wal-Mart in Edmond on 15th/I-35. $4 and change a bag. They had a full pallet.
I need to make my already estlablished sand bed 1-1/2 inches deeper, could I rinse this pulverized limestone and add a few handfuls every few days to make it 2 to 2-1/2 deep?