Southdown Alternative @ HD - Pulverized Limestone

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9526396#post9526396 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by D-Rod
I need to make my already estlablished sand bed 1-1/2 inches deeper, could I rinse this pulverized limestone and add a few handfuls every few days to make it 2 to 2-1/2 deep?

That could be done, just making sure that you put no more than a 1/4-1/2" sand down on top of your existing SB. This is so the creatures that inhibit your sand can migrate up to the top before you put down another 'coating' of sand.

I am not sure of the wait time between 'coatings' but I would think no less than 3-5 days would be ok.

Someone please chime in if I am in error on this part.
I would agree with Nick on erring on the side of caution. I mean, why be in any hurry. And if you are adding about a 1/4 inch or so at the time, it'd only take a month to add 1 1/2 inches when going for every 5 days.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9533342#post9533342 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nIx_tank
That could be done, just making sure that you put no more than a 1/4-1/2" sand down on top of your existing SB. This is so the creatures that inhibit your sand can migrate up to the top before you put down another 'coating' of sand.

I am not sure of the wait time between 'coatings' but I would think no less than 3-5 days would be ok.

Someone please chime in if I am in error on this part.

starting next week.
washing pavestone sand

washing pavestone sand

OK how do i get this ready to use in the tank i am setting up. i understand i need to "wash" it to get the dust off of it. what would be the best way to do this?
simply...take a big bucket of fresh water and drop some sand in...swirl around.

Get a fine msh net, scoop some out, let it drain and drop into a new bucket.

when the new bucket is full, repeat

once the water washes clear, it is safe to add without fear of clouds.

to add.....fill a ziplock bag.

sink it, turn upside down and slowly let sand flow out...slowly.

I tracked down some white silica i'll go with. This Pavestone stuff just doesn't exist in my town unfortunately

I am not sure if this applies to this particular product, but if it is used in an airslide environment for plant production it would have muratic acid added for areation. This helps the product catch the air that is used to transport it through the airslides and pipes from the production facility to silo storage before it is bagged. If it is transported by bucket or screen then it probably will not have the acid added.

Just an FYI from someone in the aggregates business.
This is from Greymonts website:

"Pulverized Lime is a specially milled quicklime product for various metallurgical, industrial, chemical and agricultural applications. Final product size is milled to less than 100-mesh. Pulverized lime is also available with an additive for enhanced handling and flowability."

The additive is what everyone needs to know about. I would hate to see someones prized tank become poisened over time from an unkown source.
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A couple places i called had "Peletized Limestone". But it was peletized with molasses. I thought that was odd.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10149868#post10149868 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by impur
A couple places i called had "Peletized Limestone". But it was peletized with molasses. I thought that was odd.

Its also used in agriculture feed as a calcium supplement.
Has anyone ever used crushed oyster shells?I use to use this to make my rock and plugs.BTW its cheap as well and can be bought at most feed stores.
I found the Pavestone product at the HD on I240 in the city. $4.79 a 50lb bag. It's outside in the garden section in the farthest corner.

Any comments from anyone using this product as far as ill effects? I thought Travis was using it as well as the UCO tank.

I haven't had any ill effects yet. Now, I'm only running it in my 2g cube at the moment. I'll have a DSB in my 75g, but that's still one of those projects in the making :) Now, when I first started my tank, I had a little longer Cyanobacteria bloom than normal, but that is probably because of the purity issues of pulverized limestone. Other than that, all is good. Corals growing, fish living, critters digging, etc.
Thanks Travis, I picked up 200lbs for the 150 project I will be starting. I can't find any info related to concern brought up a few posts ago regarding the possibility of an unknown additive.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10385953#post10385953 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jjmcat
Has anyone ever used crushed oyster shells?I use to use this to make my rock and plugs.BTW its cheap as well and can be bought at most feed stores.

Nope, sorry Jarrod. And I probably won't. I'll have to dig up the information again, but crushed oyster shell has elevated amounts of phosphates in them. Of course, this is probably like any other non-pure substrate; you'll have to deal with the impurities and the consequences until they are used up or taken out.