Special Thank You


New member
To all our regular & new members(Turbo)who showed up on such a dreary day. Without you guys none of this would happen! You guys rock!!

To JCS & Piotr, splendid job on your tank presentations!! A+++

To QY, Sparky, WallysWorld & MikeNY(for your generosity), all from LIRA who showed support!! Hats off to you guys!!

Larry aka Dgen8 for inviting such a nice guy (PoolKeeper1).

Special Thanks to Bill aka PoolKeeper1, President of the Middle Tennessee Reef Club for comming and showing support.
Hope all goes well buddy!

George G for inviting his friend and our guest speaker for that day.

Isaac.. aka Batt600 for making his debut guest appearance!! Nice to finally meet you.

Luke who also showed up to say Hello and show support.

Our guest speaker for that day.. Mr Jonathan R. Matias, Executive Director
Poseidon Sciences Group for a wonderfull talk and presentation!

This is what makes this hobby fun and worth the struggle! You all!!

See all you guys soon!!! :wave:


The Pleasure was all mine! You Guy's Rock and were more than Hospitable to me and my Family! I Hope to be able to see more of all of you that I met at the meeting or at least keep in touch online.
Any of you that get to the Nashville area just look me up and we will roll out the Red Carpet for you guy's too!
Bill I personally didn't meet you but my daughter exchaged numbers with yours and they keep talking to each other, hopefully if we ever get out their we can meet.
I coulld not have said it any better Noel.
Thanks for a great day, hope their is many more.
Your Gracious!

Your Gracious!

Bill I personally didn't meet you but my daughter exchaged numbers with yours and they keep talking to each other, hopefully if we ever get out their we can meet.
I coulld not have said it any better Noel.
Thanks for a great day, hope their is many more.

That's my Grandaughter you are talking about, But thanks for the Complement even if was not meant to it made me feel Good! The Kids should be the ones running the World as they alway's get along just fine, Even when they are strangers.
I was Sad I couldn't spend more time at the meeting and meet every one there but we had Plans at a Resturant and had little time. Maybe You guy's can come to Our Annual Frag Swap, It's one of the Biggest in the Country.
I am the Pres of MTRC in Nashville, (This Year) any way!!!
I always have fun thank you very much all and thank Jarrett for the time at your place its always nice to check out that tank set up
Jarrett, That is one of the Nicest tanks I've seen and being in Clubs there are lots of ones you see that make you think? But you have the Knack if you know what i mean, As your was a beauty. The Up & Down with the Equipment was very well done and makes for easy maintenence that means you do it more often! (In my world anyway) If it's a chore you just loose the drive to keep it up. IMO
Thanks for having me at your meeting, And your tank is Top Notch.
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