SPS Dominated 60 Gal Cube


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Here is a quick video and a link for the build thread...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/1wNoDkaKSeA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


2 Years and 6 months.... The first 1.5 years was crazy slow growth. once I started feeding the fish heavily to get my nitrates detectable, it took off....
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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/XfI4pT-Rz7E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
PO4 undetectable
Nitrates are .1to.3...Its hard to keep them that high with so much rock and so little fish. at zero everything loses color and stops growing...
Alk 7-8dkh
Calcium 450 ish
Salinity 35

water changes are maybe 10% once a month. but if my nitrates are zero I don't do any...
Battling a little STN .... Not sure what's causing it. Tank has been stable and on point for a long time....
well I lost 3 large frags or small colonies to stn.... They were the least healthy looking in the batch. This morning looks like the beginning of the end.... RTN took a branch and some of the base of my "ultimate Stag" colony. This is a huge show piece bigger than my hand. I have no idea on that going on. Alk is still rock solid at 7.4 on my hanna (6.5 on the elos backup kit). Everything is right on.

This could be the beginning of the end...

When mu shades of fall started receding, I bragged a bunch of pieces and threw it in my frag system independent system) It still died... Obviously stressed. I am gonna frag this ultimates colony... It is melting fast so I doubt I can save it...
Sorry to hear about these coral looses. Your tank was looking awesome.

Did you make any recent changes to lighting, media, or anything else? Your colors are on the light side (lower zoox population). IME an overdose (or normal dose) of GFO can cause STN/RTN in this situation. Do you have detectable po4?
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Yes colors are on light side and have been for 2 years... low nitrates..... i have a hard time keeping them up... no detectable po4.... i only change my gfo when my hanna registers gfo..i did recently change my gfo.... but i lost my strawberry short cake before then... i forget if i ever used the gfo from this batch or not.....i think i did because the measuring cup was in it....
Lost a coloty in about 24 hours. The others all gave great PE but are receding slowly from the base...
Lost a coloty in about 24 hours. The others all gave great PE but are receding slowly from the base...

Sorry about the issues... :(

Are you able to check all the parameters (including the S.G.) with different set of test kits etc? My buddy recently had coral issues and we found out both his new and old Refractometers were faulty and his S.G. was something like 1.030!

The colony that died, did you check for pests/eggs etc?
I have a backup for everything but that. But I usually break out the old hydrometer when unsure... just to see if I am ballpark. I guess I should bring a sample to a friends.

The tank looks fine except for the colonies that started to lose tissue. They are still getting worse...