SPS Dominated 60 Gal Cube

I would take the GFO and GAC offline and carry out 20% weekly water changes.

Are you also able to check out the PO4 level with someone else who has a different photometer and reagent batches?

I lost corals some years back due to a bad batch of Hanna reagents...was always registering the same...when I had my LFS test with their kit and a buddy test with a Merck test kit, my PO4 was much lower than the Hanna was reporting.
Thanks... i did a 20% over the weekend and a 10% today with another 20% planned for satuday. I am gonna keep this up for a while.

My gfo has been offline for a week. I have redsea kits as backups for my hannas. I have had undetectable po4 since day 1...
Seems Stable. Good growth and the battle lines look the same. Although I noticed one branch on my avengers frag is white but with full PE...
Updated Pics

Updated Pics

Some pics...


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Glad it has stabilized. Would you say gfo was the problem? A few of my colonies started to stn 2 days after changing out my gfo. Only 1 cup in a 200 gallon system. Gfo has been offline for a couple of days and the stn has slowed down.
Happy to know that things have stabilised. Pics look really nice. Keep up the efforts and hopefully everything will recover just fine.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cB_uqgCrFvg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yikes! SPS are a fickle beast! Makes me afraid to invest too heavily in them. Seems like most of the awesome sps tanks I see hit a point like this at sometime. The new aquascape and fish look great though!

90% loss of all SPS.... Changed my aquascape and starting over with the SPS...
Well the couple new chunks of rock I added and the JB weld epoxy is leaching PO4 as I expected it would. Getting some fuzz on all the rocks. Up'ed the Hi Cap GFO. Weekly water changes and hope it does not get out of control.

Also noticed my circ pump on my mixing tub was rusting. Cleaned that all out yesterday. Squeaky clean...

Added a another frag. so I have 4 pieces now of SPS. Looking good so far. Alk consumption is increasing. That's good.

Ordered my Triton test kit today to get a complete water analysis done.
Here's a pic from this morning. My nem is still moving around. Avery day he is in a new spot.... Gonna wait on any new frags until he settles down


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My LTA would foat around a bit and had a disaster. The RBTA's seam to walk around rather then float around. My power heads run very low at night so my fingers are crossed. But I am optimistic.
My 4 year old clowns are tantalized by the RBTA I put in the tank a couple months ago...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8uAQZBLDdus" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>