SPS Dominated 60 Gal Cube

Can you give us a little more detail about your plumbing and cabinet. The video you posted looks like it's very well organized.
Triton results are in. Tin is the only elevated element. Now to find the possible source. PVC piping? Food? I already found a corroded pump magnet on my mixing barrel. I will probably run this again later this year to see if it goes down or up...


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If I could get my nem to stay in this spot I would be happy. He keeps this up and I'm pulling him out...


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So since I am still seeing growth, I added some zoas and a couple sps frags. Fingers crossed...
Thanks. Here is a pic of the shelf I added. It's a prime cut from Marco rocks. These are the best. I cut it to go around the overflow and keep my nem from stinging the SPS on the top of it... I pre drilled it to hold 12 frags.

From now on I will always create frag plug holes prior to adding the rock.

Now to wait for the phosphates to cause some HA. It will run its course. The corals are showing signs of growth so I am adding more frags...


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Some Updated pics. One big *** colony and one big *** anemone. Other stuff id growing. a few frags die here and there...


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Things are looking better than last year.
I love that rbta!! Super nice..
Did you ever experiment with amino acid supplements when you had your stn issues?
Beta testing the new WAV pumps from Neptune Systems. They are in my FT right now but will probably move to the DT this weekend. Crazy Flow...
Thanks... i did a 20% over the weekend and a 10% today with another 20% planned for satuday. I am gonna keep this up for a while.

My gfo has been offline for a week. I have redsea kits as backups for my hannas. I have had undetectable po4 since day 1...

Just curious why you even run GFO in the first place if your phosphates have always been undetectable.

How is this tank doing? I'm experiencing a similar meltdown, slow but steady death and the tank seems to suddenly be unable to support corals. It looks like you run GFO to keep PO4 very low, I'm thinking of doing the same because if I don't they rise relentlessly.

I also think it may be a bacterial imbalance due to me having to rescape to remove some invasive polyps.

Anything you can add that might help would be much appreciated.