SPS Dominated 60 Gal Cube

Oh my that's insane! We need a top down of the vihn now! That has to be one of my favorite reef raft acros. How are you keeping the big three in check?

Big three what? Colonies? I don't right now. Frag system is doing bad. No place to put frags so using the mag float to trim them like sand paper
Very Strange... My FF Digi id losing polyps by the hour. frogspawn is closed. everything else has full polyp extension. new bag of salt.... same brand (coral Pro). I would think if it was contaminated I would see issues across the board.

side note... clowns started spawning...
Oh man.... I'm sure you went threw all the test and nothing out of the ordinary.
When last time you changed RO membrane and filters. I've noticed recently our tap water chlorine is higher than normal. I have some extra test strips if want to come grab some.
Oh man.... I'm sure you went threw all the test and nothing out of the ordinary.
When last time you changed RO membrane and filters. I've noticed recently our tap water chlorine is higher than normal. I have some extra test strips if want to come grab some.

All tests are on the money. ran the full spectrum just now.

Alk 8.2
PH 8.2
Calc 425 (just changed but was from the same batch of BRS calc)
PO4 0
Ammonia (Just in case) 0
Nitrates .1
Mag 1400
Salinity 35ppt (Calibration shows refractometer is right on)

Called Red Sea but they are closed. Left a message with the batch number.

I may just do w water change on my frag system to see if the hand full of frags react. don't really care about losing them.

DT colony of FF Digi is 90% dead...
Loss Of A Colony

Loss Of A Colony

So I have been using BRS alc and calc for years. Prior to that I was using ASV. But at $30 a gallon (Both) it was too expensive and I needed something cheaper. I began using BRS-pre packaged 2 part. But as my colonies got huge I started buying the 1 gallon containers and measuring it by weight. When my consumption got up to about 1 gallon every week and a half to 2 weeks, I bought my first 5 gallon bucket.

So even though I am measuring the weight to a 10/th of an oz, I still get some variations when I swap out the jug. I test weekly and see the small changes and adjust the apex accordingly. This month all the stars were aligned and the swing was just too big. My auto-feeder ran out to my nitrates were at zero, I switched to a new way of purchasing so likely its a different batch, stressful work week cause me not to pay close attention and the typical swing was more than one colony could handle. From around the mid 7's to the high 11's. With Nitrates at zero, it spelled catastrophe.

My 12' wide RR Vihn colony is melting away Luckily I have frags in my frag system...


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That's terrible! Alk can cause so much damage.

I hope that coral turns around for you! My slimer is my Alk canary coral, I've had it do what your coral is doing then grow back over the dead areas before.

well at 90% dead, I cur it out. Guess Ill mount it to a nice piece of wood and make a decoration...


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so since my talk disaster the tips on my Copps Hoek have been growing algae. thus dead.... as this death spreads all demand drops. I have been making weekly adjustments to keep it within the 7-9.5 range I have historically stayed at. the strange thing is while this huge colony dies, my milli is growing...

I trimmed a couple of the dead tips and did get some over growth. but the now I have STN on that colony.

Giving up.


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Just a thought, but have you tried dipping any of these and checking for pests (AEFW)? Really sad to see your losing so many acros.
I havent added a frag in years. and the colony is the size of a soccer ball. a tad hard to dip...So I have not tried dipping...
I've had some success stopping the STN by dipping in iodine, you could use a bucket as it's pretty cheap stuff. A few other reefers have claimed a FURAN dip will stop it. Best of luck, it sucks to lose colonies.
well it looks like this algae on the tips is dino... I had and beat it is a few systems, never seen it start right on the coral tips.

gonna swing into Dino mode and take it from there...


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well treatment number 2 for Dino. My flow is so extreme that I am guessing the only place it can form is on those tips. Having a hard time kicking it this time. Like a dumb *** I forgot to remove my carbon reactor.

Well Ill put it through the process again but the dino does not explain the die off. The last crash I had was completely unexplained. the only thing that turned it around was switching from monthly to weekly water changes. My thought process is leaning towards something building up over time. either a component degrading or something building up either from my water, my additives, my salt (doubtful). food, or the air in my house. Well I guess it cannot be water or salt because the water changes would be making it worse after the first crash...

I did a triton analasys a couple years ago. perhaps I can do another one and see if there is anything different.
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