Loss Of A Colony
Loss Of A Colony
So I have been using BRS alc and calc for years. Prior to that I was using ASV. But at $30 a gallon (Both) it was too expensive and I needed something cheaper. I began using BRS-pre packaged 2 part. But as my colonies got huge I started buying the 1 gallon containers and measuring it by weight. When my consumption got up to about 1 gallon every week and a half to 2 weeks, I bought my first 5 gallon bucket.
So even though I am measuring the weight to a 10/th of an oz, I still get some variations when I swap out the jug. I test weekly and see the small changes and adjust the apex accordingly. This month all the stars were aligned and the swing was just too big. My auto-feeder ran out to my nitrates were at zero, I switched to a new way of purchasing so likely its a different batch, stressful work week cause me not to pay close attention and the typical swing was more than one colony could handle. From around the mid 7's to the high 11's. With Nitrates at zero, it spelled catastrophe.
My 12' wide RR Vihn colony is melting away Luckily I have frags in my frag system...