Nice list, you want some suggestions?:lol:
Sure, why not. Here is the list of what I already have (for those that don't follow the build thread).
Coral list
ORA Frogskin
Green Slimer Acro (blue tips)
Cherry Millipora
Albino bi-color hawkins
Pink branching digitada
Seasons greetings montipora
Oregon blue tort
Bird of Paradise
Montipora Confusa
Orange and green birdsnest
Green birdsnest
Red australomussa
Tri-color orange plate
Bi-color purple plate
Rasta zoas
Bubblegum monster chalice
Joker Favia
Green acanthastrea
Radioactive dragon eye zoas
Orange Montipora Capricornis
Pink Montipora Capricornis
Orange bam bam zoas
Pink polyp Montipora Capricornis
X-men Montipora Capricornis
Seasons greetings Montipora
Orange psamicorra
Eternal sunshine zoa
Pinwheel zoas
Teal stag horn
Darin's bonsai
Pink lemonade acropora
Green pagoda cup
Montipora setosa
Tray's red chalice
Emerald mummy eye chalice
Miami hurricane chalice
Blue trumpet coral
Miami vice zoas
Green millepora
Superman Montipora Danae
Jedi mind trick Montipora undata
12 colors of ricordeas
JF jack-o-lantern lepto's smurf's blood zoas
Orange leptoseris
Goblins on fire zoas
Sunset Montipora
Rainbow Montipora
Mystic sunset Montipora
Purple people eaters
Sunny d zoas
Ponape birdsnest
Fruit loop zoas
UFO zoas
Candy apple red zoas
Mayan sun Favia
Purple and green Favia
Reverse prism Favia
King Midas zoas
Valida tri-color acro
Garf purple bonsai
La lakers mushroom
Lunar eclipse zoas
RBTA (acid rain)
ORA red planet
Blue agave zoas
La lakers zoa
JF PPE cyphastrea
Purple and green cyphastrea
Dragon soul Favia
Sunburst Montipora Capricornis
Orange galaxia
Green and red cyphastrea
Orange acanthastrea
Red acanthastrea
Green torch (tiny frag)
Red and green blastomussa merletti
Punk rockers zoas
Cosmic GPE
Green toadstool
Gold fungia plate
Orange and pink ricordea Yuma
Yellow milli
Pink milli
Rainbow milli
Christmas marebelis
Green slimer (peach/orange tips)
ORA turquoise stag
Glow stick sarmentosa
ORA pearlberry
Looking forward to your suggestions.