St Jude Tank teardown Saturday 4-22-06!


New member
Alright everyone. Heres the layout sofar. Saturday 4-22-06 at 1PM (or 12PM...whichever works easier for everyone coming) we'll meet up at St Jude. I'll make a run to Sams and get 2 trash cans that we'll wind up using for water storage/changes later. The B and C clinic's are closed on the weekends but the medicine room will be open and seeing patients. What does that mean? That means there will be kids but not as many as there would be normally. I can tell you right now, their a curious lot and will be "helping" us out with questions and such so prepare yourself. The patients CAN NOT TOUCH ANYTHING FROM THE TANKS!!! If people would like to show them the brand new stuff and how it works while we're working by all means let them see and touch and explain stuff to them. As long as its in a sealed package and opened up there in the room they can see it. They can't get anywhere near the back rooms or touch anything from the tanks (that was in there with water and fish). These kids are suseptable to all kinds of infections and fungi that our bodies don't even think twice about. Wranglers, this will be your jobs. keep them safe and entertained. We'll have some coloring books and crayons. If anyone wants to make up some game for them to play or better yet, find pictures of fish from Nemo and other pretty fish (reef safe please) and let them vote for and name the fish to be put in the tank. These will be the basic inhabitants but not the only ones.
Everyone else, we'll be cleaning out the tank, tossing out rock and orniments, and giving things the once over with a brillo scrubby to get the salt creep and funk off. The trash cans will be where we'll be tossing the garbage but they'll have tops so we're not aerosolizing anything. Whoever vacuums out the gravel with my shop vac will HAVE TO close the door to keep dust and funk out of the air. Then once this is done we can start getting the tank filled back up. Also, it would't be a bad idea to get the seams on the front glass (inside) hit with a bead of silicone. Again, aerosolizing is a major consideration!
Now the fun part; the fish. My contact at the zoo will provide coolers to move the fish but we'll have to catch them and transport them to the zoo. This might require me to be there. I'm not sure yet. So if you have aquagloves bring them. It might take two or three of us to get them. We'll have to drive them to the back enterance of the zoo off N. Parkway.
So I need a list of volunteers. If you're coming let me know. I have to let security know how many so they dont get all crazy with the tazers and cart people off to the pokey.
You mean like the "I will not sue st. Jude if the grouper bites my arm off form"? I think they just printed up a new batch of those especially for this event.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7200930#post7200930 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by willember
Do we need to sign anything 1st?
No. Since I will have permission and you will all be my "guests" some of you can come. Now I wouldn't wander off to much or go Exploring. Janis (the head honcho for the tanks) wants a head count ASAP so she can tell the clinics/ medicine room and most importantly security. Now I can't have 20 people, but I'm hoping enough will come to make this pretty quick and easy. So far its me and Richard. Anyone else wanna get in on this?
I will be glad to help, but I cannot get there until around 3. How long do you think you will need help that day?

I will keep up with this thread for future dates.

PM me if you need anything.

I might be able to make it about the same time as Larry...depends on when I leave Nash Sat.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7201014#post7201014 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rendos
I will be there...of course. And I am a pretty good fish wrangler.

Richard, you know wrangling involves boots, spurs and ropes.. along with a branding iron..
Dustin - I thought you were our plumber. I hope you can make it...

Lisa - I am game...except for the branding iron...well, maybe a branding iron. We'll talk.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7202215#post7202215 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rendos
Dustin - I thought you were our plumber. I hope you can make it...
And the problems begin presenting themselves. *sigh*
Oh, I wish I could be there to help with the kids! I'm taking my daughter and working as an appraiser at the Destination Imagination State tournament in Nashville all day Saturday. She's competing and I'm working ... can't get out of it. I hope I can help the next round.

Have fun and good luck. Richard wrangling the grouper sounds entertaining.

Ill definately try to make it, but at this point I cant guarantee anything....hope its not an issue..
Did Danny come look at it yet to see what was needed? I hate that I havnt had the time to help, but I have to do, what I have to do....sadly
Alright yall. We'll make the meeting at St Jude 1PM. How about we get together for some lunch somewhere before? Come when you can Willem. I haven't called Danny since the Zoo is taking the fish. I really need to call him though. me and Richard will get some stuff done ahead of time.
Larry, didn't you fax me your application? I can't find it.