Started dosing Vitamin C in my tank


Super Abound
was sick of getting random one or two polyp melts and one of my colonies was melting bad.

it has been about 2 weeks since i started and all my zoas/palys are open and looking great!

the melting colony stopped melting and is actually showing signs of growth.

i am using Brightwell Aquatics Vitamarin C. dosing according to their directions. my water seems cleaner and my ORP is steadily rising.

maybe something you want to try if you're having issues with your zoas/palys. do a search and find the big thread on here, i think it was started by pufferpunk. its a good thing to read if you want to dose Vitamin C.
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There is a familiar face from the so. cal section. Hows it going? I also use the buffered Vit C that puffer mentioned. My tank is doing good with it. Keep us updated with how that particular product is doing for your tank.
There is a familiar face from the so. cal section. Hows it going? I also use the buffered Vit C that puffer mentioned. My tank is doing good with it. Keep us updated with how that particular product is doing for your tank.

Yup, I used the same stuff. I still have 3 bottles of it left. I'm thinking of starting it agian as well.

OP: buy the stuff from that thread. It will last you a lot longer and save you in the pocketbook. I also have the brightwell stuff but it isn't as good and there are other things in it as well. It's not just vit c. but keep us posted, I had success with it as well, it's just tedious.
kichimark and dublo8 where did you purchase the buffer vit c?

Here is a link to the thread I was talking about. It's a couple splits deep but worth the read. The link for the online shop to buy the Vit C is in the thread as well. About every couple pages both johnl and pufferpunk go over the dosing regimen and also provide a link of where buy the vitamin c. You can use other stuff but this doesn't have any other additives and is already buffered properly. If you have more questions feel free to ask but that thread has more than enough info than you will ever need. I have talked with puffer several times about this and have employed this method for over a year on another tank with no ill affects and nothing but good things to say about it. I prefer this method over other forms of carbon dosing because of the added side benefit of the vit c.

I had several zoa colonies that completely changed colors after about 2 months of using this. One of which I thought was a brown zoa LOL that I had for about 6 months. It now has purple skirts w/ emerald and blue spot centers. It's not super bright but it definitely surprised me. I have since stopped vit c dosing due to upgrading tanks and will be starting again once I have my dosing regimen all worked out and things become 100% stable.
hey, thanks for the responses

that thread by pufferpunk is a long one!

i'm still going. i do 2 drops in the morning and 2 drops in the evening. according to brightwell that is 4 ml. i am definitely dosing on the higher end but my zoas/palys and my LPS are all doing great so i don't plan on stopping. i thought of stopping for 2 weeks to a month to see if there are any changes but since everything looks good i'm just gonna keep with it.

my melting colony has slow growth (before it never showed any signs of growth) and inflates a lot more than it ever did, much healthier.

my tank has recently seen a spurt of growth on all corals but its hard to attribute it to just the Vit C since i recently added another MP10ESw to my tank (two total) and I think the more variable flow is helping as well.
My experiences with vitamin C were really bad. Hair algae boom!!!
Could be coincidence.
I've used also the Brightwell's brand.

i've read there is a chance of an algae bloom. you're supposed to slowly build the dose but i messed up on my math the first time and basically dosed the max amount right away :/

i didn't have any issues. i feed heavy as well and always walk the line of too much nutrients. I am going to scale back my feeding amounts and see if there's any change.

my ORP has steadily risen since dosing Vit C. it was consistently 280-310, usually right in the middle in the 290's. now it stays 310-330, hits 330 at night drops to about 315 during the day. my probe is due for recalibrating so hopefully this isn't just an issue because of that. but it did only start rising since using the vitamin C and it is still slowly rising although at a much slower rate now.
In my case the boom didn't happen at first. It took a while to really hit.
Just have that in mind.
I don't dose vitamin C anymore because of that.

yea, you know i just realized that tonight lol. i have cut back to one drop in the morning and one at night, i was starting to get bacteria on my sand bed. it cleared up in a day or so when i reduced the dose a hair.

i think i am going to slowly reduce my vit c dosing and switch over to vinegar. i'm curious to see what happens if i try a different carbon source.