Starting new 75g


After losing everything in my 40 breeder due to a 3 day power outage, I finally started to put together the 75g reef ready that had been sitting in my garage since last spring. Here is the progress so far. I will post more photos as it progresses. I made rock pillars by drilling live rock and using acrylic rods. Let me know what you think.


Here is a photo of the three that I have made so far in the tank....Any suggestions as to what I should do in the open space? I was just going to stack rock there or should I make a few more pillars?

What are you stocking plans? You have very limited space for mounting corals so far so unless you're putting a lot in the sand you'll need more surface for corals if you're going full out reef.

Personally I'd work out some sort of arch so that you have open area at the sand but higher up places to mount coral. 1/3 of my tank's rock structure is made up of pillars like yours that have rock on top so I have open caves, but surface to mount corals 6 to 10inches from the surface. I put the LARGEST flat rock on top so it looks like a shelf instead of a point.
thanks fizz...that is what I was thinking of doing in the open area in the middle. Those other two on the left hand side were to somewhat cover up the overflow.
Don't worry too much about covering the overflow if you're going reef. Eventually it should be so caked with coraline algea it should blend in. :)
here are some pics of the progress...the lighting is VHO housed in the canopy that I built. I think it turned out ok other than the small gap that the light is coming out through on the lid. There are 6 bulbs. the outer two are super actinic. the inner four are a mix of actinic white and aqua sun. Give me some comments or suggestions. I think i am going to get one of the mag rocks to mount to the back wall to place more corals eventually.



It's getting there!

Do you have reflectors in the hood? My custom hood wasn't perfectly straight either but the reflectors kept the light from sneaking out the top (and back). I think I used sticky backed felt too..I know I used it on the doors, but I don't remember if the top had it or if the reflectors were enough.

I know the hood I'm building now is going to have issues because it's mounted to both the wall and ceiling..neither of which are straight.:) I'm planning on overlapping 3/16 inch wood to seal it. I'm anal about light creep..I think it distracts the viewer...especially if it's metal halide! But VHO against black is pretty distrcting too..IMO.

How's the water doing? Was that all live rock or dead?
there aren't any reflectors. The rock was live at one time but I am sure it is completely dead now. I am going to throw in a piece of live rock to seed it. I haven't tested the water yet other than the salinity.
Problems already... The heat from the VHO's are causing the plywood lid to bow....What can I do to remedy this.... :(

Problems already... The heat from the VHO's are causing the plywood lid to bow....What can I do to remedy this.... :(


screw a molding on the edge of the top and you will never see it.or even just a 1X2 wrapped aroung the top and overhanging the frt and sides
Thanks you think I should mount some fans in there? The back is open...i thought that would be enough.
right now...none...I wasn't sure if I was going to need them with the open back but I can see that I may. Any suggestions???? Any for sale? :)
right now...none...I wasn't sure if I was going to need them with the open back but I can see that I may. Any suggestions???? Any for sale? :)

fans are a plus for sure.even if heat isnt an issue the gas exchange is much better with air moving thru the top.2 fans will suffice and i like the ice caps the best .they out last computer fans by double or triple so IMO they are worth the extra cash if you are a long term reefer or lifer like me,LOL
Are you're sure it's the heat and not the humidty? My VHOs never got that hot, but moisture was always a killer for me. My custom hood had enough paint and sealer on it that it could be measured. :)
I just assumed it was the heat. Once the lights go off and the wood cools down, it goes back down. I will keep an eye on it.
thanks disturbed

on another note, i am going to need to get a clean up crew. i looked at ordering online but shipping can be a killer. unfortunately my lfs's tanks dont always look the greatest and they just moved so they dont have much in stock if anything. Any suggestion on where to go or does anyone want to put something together for me out of their tanks...i will pay :)