Starting new reef tank far from the coast, 1000g system

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11870717#post11870717 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by laomedon
Thanx Eric, well Hugo is sopoused to be American Stafordshire Terier. But weights twice as much as the standard says so I'm not sure. He is extremely calm and trained to be rescue dog.

That dog is beautiful and yes he appears to be 100% American staffordshire terrier(sp?) AKA an American pitbull. like anything some are just a bit bigger than others. I have a 9 yr old english pitbull. She is by far and away the best dog i have had or will ever have. perfectly good with kids. she's raised my 2 and several friends' kids. they are great dogs if trained right.

the build is sweet too! im waiting to buy a house so i get my big tank.
Hi Guys, I'm sorry not to repply sooner but as Acillaton has said I was terribly busy, but we are moving forward, today we have been levelling the concrete that will be underneeth the stand with a special thin layer of selflevelling concrete.

I did not want to use bolts and nuts for leveling the stand as I need to spread the weight equally and on as much area as possible, that is why the stand will sit on the concrete directly there will be only a thick rubber mat in between.

kinghokus420, - yes I agree these dogs are wery good with children, very tolerant.

adddo, Bax, danskim, nick540, aspinn, - thank you
I also took some pictures of our new skimmer, it is made by Slovakian company called AquaReef Professional

I realy love their product as it has no bolts, no reduction pipes and no screwing parts on it. It's high quality acrylic and precicion build allows the parts just sit on each other. This make it extremely easy for maintanance. I like the idea the guys had in mind when building this skimmer and that to try make it as simple as possible, and I think they did good job. Once in operation I will upload video of the this skimmer as well.

This particular model pulls aprox. 475 gallons of air and 530 gallons of water. It's main chamber is 8" in diameter . I think this should be sufficient for our system for few months, then I will add second skimmer or two if needed. I think it is much better to have rather two smaller then one big skimmer, especialy for safate reason. I had one electrical failure year ago so I want to be prepared rather then surprised.







<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11948890#post11948890 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Acillaton
WOW! Skimmer Made In Slovakia??? Nice. Good luck to AquaReef Professional.

Yes, it might sound weird but it is. :-) last couple of year we have build quite large and solid fundations to reefkeeping over here ... organising get together meetings from both, actualy the whole CzechoSlovakia twice a year...

more info at

By the way the build is going nicely, I was rethinking the ventilation and got to a point where I changed the scheme and number of intake/outlets. A friend got me to thinking about heating, actualy to use the ventilated heat from the tank to some use in the cold winter days, so I will use Recuperating Unit in the house and the tanks hood will be one of the suction areas.

here are some visualisations on that :




the green pipes are the fresh air intakes, red pipe is the outlet and the turquoise color is for the inlet to Recuperating unit.

Because the extreme weather and temperatures in the winter and summer which can vary, for example in the summer from 95 fahrenheith to -15 fahrenheith in the winter makes it dificlut to set ventilation to outdoors easy. Therefore I have for pipes for this task:

1 - Direct fresh air inlet through the wall
2 - Direct outlet through the wall
3 - Fresh air inlet from the garage
4 - Outlet to Recuperating unit inlet

I decided to use second inlet for the Hot summer days where in our OPEN double garage located on the Nord side of the house so we can gain some cold air and eliminate the use of water cooling, conditioning. I know you may say the exhausts from the fumes, but as I said it is open garage, and the cars are being parked the way that exhaust pipes are pointing to outside on the other side where the intake would be. And if I decide to do anything smely in the garage I just shut down the suction inlet from the garage and use the direct one.
The recupeating unit could save us up to 70% OF OUR heating bill, and that is without considering warm air from the tanks hood. Because we have used tripple glazed windows and will have extreme wall and ceeling insullation our house is suitable for Recuperating unit. I'm glad I have decided to get one of these so we can focus on new corals and fish instead of thinking and worrying about large electricity bill :-)
this looks like it is going to be a very nice system. the only thing i would change is the protein skimmer. that will not handle a 500+ gallon tank. it is way too small and not built very well. if i were you i would consider buying a bubble king, deltec or H&S skimmer for that system. what ever you do get one that is oversized by 50% so it will handle the high bio load of the system. im sure others here would agree with what im saying. that skimmer looks like it might handle a 150-200 gallon heavely stocked system but not a 500+ gallon system.
i like the house design. very uneque and looks to be very warm being built in the hill side like that.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11991570#post11991570 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by laomedon
Yes, it might sound weird but it is. :-) last couple of year we have build quite large and solid fundations to reefkeeping over here ... organising get together meetings from both, actualy the whole CzechoSlovakia twice a year...

more info at

Nice. I did not know forum like that exist. Looks like you folks take reefing seriously over there. Nice site, and also a lot of good info.
Thanks for the tip, Laomedon, I will register at that site today.
I really like the home design and how your using the heat from the tak to warm your house. Best of luck with your tank.
Thanks guys,
Spazz, I know it might be small for the mature system of this size, but I plan to add one or two extra of the same kind, I preffer more to have rather three smaller then one big skimmer, just as a disaster precaustion. I have seen some of your skimmers and they look realy professional and some are realy huge, unfortunately I don't think you guys are able to ship to Slovakia? are you?

I would consider it before planing but none of the suppliers in the USA were willing to ship overseas and especialy something fragile made out of acrylic. Even when I live oposite one of UPS warehouses they ere not able to ship and that was after we joined EU.

The Bouble King skimmers are great, I realy love them but the cost made me go for an alternative. If I will have some money left after the house is finished, I would do some upgrades, there will be still time and space for improovements right? I gues it is always neveending road of improovements.
love the home design.

I agree about having multiple skimmers, but that one looks like it might be OK on your current tank. Have you set it up on your old tank to test it and see how it performs? At least then you would have some gauge of what it can do.

I doubt even 3 of those will be enough skimming power for your new system. And the BK is highly over-rated IMO. I would much rather have a Volcano or one like mine than a BK.
Laomedon, I think I can help you out with shipping. I do send my bulk mail thru polish parcel mail. It comes to Slovakia ok, but sometimes you have to pay tax back home(but it can be avoided). Let me know... you can send me a pm of course.
Hmmm: Basketball--- fish.... basketball--- fish... Where to hang out next..?
You should get Spazz to make you one of his monster-skimmers, IMHO.