Stay away from Petware house

Thats one messed up story, using the 'F' bomb to a customer. I really think the economy and the move is hurting PW business. Maybe Mike was stressed out. Still absolutely no excuse for the language.

Sidenote about Petco... I bought a clown from there soon after they opened for 15 bucks. I must of got lucky he's still doing well.

To the guy that mentioned Brooklyn (since we're talking crap about lfs). That place is hit or miss. I bought some green chromis from there two days ago. Two have already died, I should of checked them out better. Stay away from anything with the red tear shaped bubble algae in the tanks. Get that stuff in your tanks and its near impossible to get rid off. I tore down my Mantis tank twice. On a good note they get some different than usual fish in there.
$10 at coral reef for a head of kryp candy cane and a frag orange branching monti. oh and he gave me a sample from of 2 free frag plugs. I wonder why we all go there? hmmmmmmmmm
LMAO! That sounds like hime then. He's not giving away his stuff but other people's stuff. Is Klaus selling rods food now? I'm needing to get some or start making my own.
Thanks Ron. I was wondering who around here could possibly sell it. Of course I wouldnt consider Angola local, but close enough if I really wanted it huh?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15599627#post15599627 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by zy112
Did Sea Dwellers in Angola move locations?

I wouldnt say they moved. They just down sized to 1/2 the building instead of the whole building.

Now if its been years since you have been there (the building on the corner). They have moved from that building into one in the same parking lot to the north.

They are right next to Staples. One building to the south.
Being from Warsaw I have never been to PW, but from the sounds of it I don't want to go there. I have always shopped at Coral Reef. Although I have been to The Pet Store down on Stellhorn a couple of times, but never bought anything there. The owner of that place is the one that told me about the coral reef store and honestly I've never been back there.
Just wanted to bring this back to the top.
I even tried to email Ben about all of this. And his repsonse was that He hopes I do something someday and my kids are punished for it.

I guess i thought I would hear a sorry this happend, I will talk to mike about it or something. Nope. I guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree.
Yah thats Bull s**t" Those people shouldn't be in business if thats the way there going to handle problems!
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I just told Mojo Sunday about how I drive north up coldwater every other day at about rush hour, when I do I always check out the flow of cars in the PW parking lot. Shockingly, about 2 days after this topic went up. The parking lot is usually just inhabited by the employees cars and sometimes one that appears to be a customer (parked in the front rows.) Every other time, at best. As I also told him, I drove that same way to his place on sunday, the parking lot was dead.

I really think that this problem has put a decent strain on there business.

I haven't know Jesse more than about 3 or 4 weeks. From what I can tell though he seems to be a mellow guy, that tries to keep things pretty cool. And for that, Mike is a very lucky man. As I think, that a lot of us put in the same scenario would not have been nearly as rational. I know that I would have had to have a word in after he came out with that. Cursing in a retail work place is pretty bad taste, but cursing at a repeat customer in a retail store. Thats pretty foul pool.
That sucks this happened but I was in Coral Reef last week and got ignored again. He was too busy *****ing to a guy at the counter about health insurance to even acknowledge me. Had $200 I was going to spend on coral but I guess I'll just go online or to PW where I can actually get waited on. I work retail for a living ( and have for 13 years) and I don't care what I'm doing the customer comes first. I've actually walked away from the president of our marketing area to wait on a customer.
Yeah that guy in at Coral Reef you just have to say...."hey do you want to make money today or not?" That usually gets his attention.... To be quit honest I like the older guy to help me when I go in there. He tends to through extras in with what ever it is you get.
So Klaus is still kickin' eh?? Is the weiner dog still there?? Or Klaus' father?? On occasion I would buy a colony from Klaus. $70 per colony. A friend of mine and I would split it down the middle (literally with a hack saw).

I used to give all my business to The Pet Store on Stellhorn/Maplecrest...are they still doing saltwater?? Anyone know if Chris R. is still working there??

Never ever bought a thing from Petware House. Wow, it's been a while.

Hey Freed!! (Jeff - still remember your name...) Long time.

REALLY miss, more than anything, the Korean restaurant down on Coliseum heading out towards the truck stop. yum yum....
I don't go in the Maple/Stell pet store anymore. Tanks were in terrible condition last time I was there so I gave up on them ;)