Stay away from WAV, 1Link - pumps start to fail after 1 year.


Figured I let the community know - guys stay away from Neptune WAV pumps and the 1Link module. Someone started a very nice thread on Neptune Community Forums, asking members who ran WAVs for more then a year. Reports started coming in of the pumps starting to fail right between 1-2 years of use. Neptune seemed to take care of the issue, but it seems they no longer are once you cross the 2-year mark.

WAV pumps
WAV pumps seem to just fail out of the blue. Initial responses seemed to point the finger at lack of maintenance, broken impellers, basically user fault. But as people started to post pictures, some pumps were impeccable, cleaned regularly, until they died. If yours dies in the magic 1-2 year mark, you are lucky. If not (and more and more of these are going to show up very soon), get ready to shell out another $100 on this system. Neptune is offering a replacement at 50% discount, although Jon was very quick to mention normally the discount is 20%. Here in lies the question - if the product is not faulty, and you stand by your warranty, why offer 50% when your standard discount is 20?

1Link Module
The module that controls these pumps has a serious design flaw. This was advertised as a magic product compared to mp40s. You don't need multiple controllers, just plug up to 3 pumps in and they all work. Well, not so fast. As soon as your single pump breaks, the module shorts out leaving you to guess what just happened. To help matters further, the power supply for the 1Link module blinks and makes a hissing sound non-stop. I almost purchased a new power supply thinking that was it, before figuring out it was the pump.

Long story, I know, but unfortunately Neptune WAV is this year's vertex cerebra.